Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Back to NUS

Wednesday, March 4th, 2015

back to National University of Singapore (NUS) b-school, invited by Prof. Thompson Teo (web) and Chung Piaw Teo, head of the DS department

Conceptual work with Wong Poh Kam, head of NUS Enterprise Center (web) on Purpose-Driven Design and the LeanLaunchpad program in Singapore. Fruitful discussions with Teo Hock Kai, head of the IS department, Hang Chang Chieh, head of the Institute for Engineering Leadership, Neo Kok Beng, technology entrepreneur & venture catalyst, Jussi Keppo, responsible of the Big Data Analytics master, and Virginia Cha, entrepreneur on residence.

Gestion des connaissances et coordination

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

colloque de thèse de Ulysse Rosselet pour sa thèse intitulée “Impacts des technologies de l’information sur les modes de coordination à travers quatre études en systèmes d’information”, supervisée par Prof. Maia Wentland, avec l’expert Prof. Jean-Fabrice Lebraty

“Cette thèse s’intéresse à la problématique de la coordination au sein des organisations, et plus particulièrement au rôle que jouent certains artefacts du système d’information (SI) en tant que soutiens à la coordination. …”

VPDesign at ProductTank Berlin

Thursday, February 19th, 2015

talk with Alex on How to create & sell a great vision, at ProductTank Berlin


Sketching by Holger Nils Pohl …



BMGEN at Swiss NSF

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

short talk with Alex in a Swiss NSF seminar for presenting its future BRIDGE program, invited by Martin Vetterli, President

The talk aims at presenting the use of the BMGEN canvas and leanstartup methodologies adopted and experienced by the NSF Innovation Corps program, a similar program at NIH, as well as its application in Singapore (by NUS).

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The NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps™), initially developed and tested by Steve Blank and his colleagues at Stanford and Berkeley, is a set of activities and programs that prepares scientists and engineers to extend their focus beyond the laboratory and broadens the impact of select, NSF-funded, basic-research projects (more)

Simulation of electricity markets

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

Doctoral thesis committee for Camila Ochoa’s thesis entitled ’Capacity Adequacy in International Electricity Markets’, supervised by Prof. Ann van Ackere.HEC Lausanne.

“[...] Cross-border integration of electricity markets creates new challenges for the regulators, since the evolution of the market is now influenced by the characteristics and policies of neighbouring countries. [...] The aim of this thesis is to improve the understanding of integrated electricity markets and how their behaviour depends on the prevailing characteristics of the national markets and the policies implemented in each country. [...] developed a simulation model to analyse under what circumstances integration is desirable.

BMGEN & VPDesign à Genilem

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

Mini-atelier aux coaches de Genilem (web) et d’InnoVaud (web) , invité par Philippe Gaemperle, directeur

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L’ objectif de cette présentation est de découvrir le “Value Proposition Canvas” pour décrire, remettre en question et esquisser les propositions de valeur d’un business model , mais aussi explorer le “design thinking” et le “lean startup” pour prototype et tester les business models et leurs propositions de valeur.


VPDesign in Tunisia

Saturday, January 17th, 2015

Un webinar pour des entrepreneurs et coaches tunisiens, pendant un atelier animé par Roald Sieberath, à Cogite Coworking Space (fb), pour Yunus Social Business – Global Initiatives (web)

Les objectifs de ce webinar sont de découvrir et d’appliquer le “Business model canvas” et le “Value Proposition Canvas” pour décrire, remettre en question, évaluer et tester des propositions de valeur et des business models innovants.

Affiche BMC + Lean Tunis


Winter school on design science

Monday, January 12th, 2015

Winter School on design science and design thinking in IS, organised by CUSO at Ovronnaz from January 12 to 16th, 2015, with Prof. Jean-Henry Morin, University of Geneva

The objective of this course is to offer PhD students in information systems (IS) and computer science (CS) the methodological foundation of design science research and design thinking. Combining theoretical, hands-on sessions and invited lectures, this course will provide PhD candidates with the required methodological foundation for their research.

The course will address design science from various viewpoints: frameworks, paradigms, theory, processes, patterns, evaluation, ideation and rationale. The design techniques will be used in creative ideation workshops, scientific literature reading and reviewing, writing research proposals, drawing scientific posters and presenting oral slideshows. The course is structured around two main aspects of design:
- Design Science (Vaishnavi and Kuechler, 2008) as the methodological foundation of research in IS and CS
- Design Thinking (Brown, 2008) as the creative foundation for innovation and design.


best masters in IS

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

Our master in Information Systems at HEC Lausanne is going well and is ranked 8th best master in IS by Eduniversal (web)

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Thursday, January 1st, 2015

“The pure present is an ungraspable advance of the past devouring the future. In truth all sensation is already memory.” Bergson, Matter and Memory

You have stored memories this year.

As I, who knocked in 2014 on three continents, in Atlanta, Berlin, Cork, Londres, Oslo, Montréal, Paris, Phoenix, Singapour, Tokyo, Toronto, …

I wish you to devour the future and … take advantage of the present in 2015.