Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

VMDesign en France

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

“Value Proposition Design, la bible de la proposition de valeur pour startup” par David Oudiette, sur Maddyness Le magazine desstartups françaises



Friday, December 19th, 2014

interview of Christian Wanner, co-founder and previous CEO of LeShop, by McKinsey Quarterly

How to win in online grocery: Advice from a pioneer

Christian Wanner, cofounder of one of Europe’s first and largest online grocery stores, talks about what works, what doesn’t, and what will change in food retailing as e-commerce continues to heat up. (more)

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Business model design

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014

New edition of the course “Business Model Design” to the MScIS students at HEC Lausanne

Upon completion this course, the participants will have a general understanding of the current state and trends in the design of business models and value propositions. The course aims at (a) learning about and applying a practical visual language to describe, challenge, and design business models and value propositions, (b) appreciating powerful examples of business model innovation, ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies and social entrepreneurship ventures, and (c) exploring and prototyping business models using design thinking and customer development to boost future growth.


BMGEN at InfoComm

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

BMGEN workshop at InfoComm’s AV Executive Conference, Scottsdale, Septembre 18, invited by David Nour (web)

AV_Exec_Conf_F-150x196 (program)

“… forget everything you know about conferences. The AV Executive Conference (AVEC) is not an event where you will sit quietly and take notes. Create your own “business growth canvas” with help from Dr. Yves Pigneur, inventor and bestselling author of Business Model Generation. (more)

And panel on the practical use of BMGEN in companies, with Muki Hansteen-Izora (Intel), Justin Lokitz (Autodesk), Sidnee Peck (Uni Arizona), Julian Philips (whitlock) and Dean DeBiase (Kellog), animated by David Nour.


more effective way for startups to brainstorm

Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

article on BMGEN reprinted in FastCompany, originally appeared in First Round Review

“The word lean is everywhere these days. Lean processes, lean startups. While Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup, has arguably become the face of this movement, its philosophy is largely based on something called the Business Model Canvas–a tool developed by author and entrepreneur Alexander Osterwalder and Swiss academic Yves Pigneur (more)


BMGEN à Québec

Friday, July 18th, 2014

un petit atelier sur l’innovation par les modèles d’affaires pour des entrepreneurs motivés à Québec, organisé par Tatiana Yakovenko, fondatrice de UM.N architech


Les objectifs de cette présentation sont de (a) découvrir le Business Model Canvas et le Value Proposition Canvas, des outils visuels pour décrire, remettre en question et esquisser des modèles d’affaires et des propositions de valeur, (b) mieux comprendre certains exemples marquants d’innovation par les business models, et (c) explorer les approches “design thinking” et “lean startup” appliquées à la conception de modèles d’affaires. (more)

quebecUM video

Rencontre avec Luc Morisset qui, sur base du Business Model Canvas, a conçu un canvas spécifique pour l’Office de propriété intellectuelle du Canada, pour définir la stratégie de propriété intellectuelle d’une entreprise.

startup festival

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

The International Startup Festival at Montreal puts a new spin on entrepreneurship each year with content ranging from back-of-the-napkin ideas to champagne-popping exits. Keynotes, interactive how-to-sessions, powerful lessons from battle-scarred founders, and the list goes on … (more)

An interview of Phil Telio, founder of the Startup Festival, on the Huffington Post here

last touch to the VPC book

Saturday, June 14th, 2014

meeting with Alex, Alan and Trish at Toronto (w/ Greg online) for almost finishing the book “Value Proposition Design”

“We can see a tiny bit of light at the end of the tunnel”

meeting with Tegan Mierle (video), Creative Director & Managing Partner of Pilot Interactive (web), who prepares the VPC book illustrations

VPC book

Wednesday, May 21st, 2014

The concept section of the VPC book has been sent to the developmental editor at Wiley. We managed to work the pre-readers’ comments and valuable feedback into the ’Concepts” and ’Design” sections. Some of the spreads went through a big iteration, many got substantially clearer thanks to the pre-readers’ feedback. The team is working hard to meet the June 19 deadline to submit the manuscript


Service-design at EPFL

Monday, May 5th, 2014

Nice, animated and interesting PhD defence by Anshuman Saxena’s thesis entitled ’A situated and embodied approach to service-oriented modelling’, supervised by Prof. Alain Wegmann, at LAMS/EPFL.

LAMS is the Lab for Systemic Modelling, where SEAM has been invented and developed. “SEAM is a family of methods for strategic thinking, business / IT alignment, and requirements engineering. The originality of SEAM is in the integration of generic system thinking principles into discipline-specific methods (more)