Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Bye bye Singapore

Monday, April 28th, 2014

last days in Singapore :-( back to Switzerland after two marvellous months in Asia, full of fruitful meetings, lectures, keynotes, workshops, masterclasses and visits … We’ll come back!

3D printer start-up

Monday, April 7th, 2014

meeting with Prof. Neo Kok Being, one of the founder, with NUS students, of Pirate3D and big fan of BMGEN

Pirate3D, making home 3D printer (Buccaneer), has recorded the most successful crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter (web)

Look at the nice “Pirate” journey and its interesting pivot here

CfP Busital 2014

Friday, April 4th, 2014

9th International Workshop on BUSinness/IT ALignment and Interoperability (BUSITAL 2014), June 2014, Thessaloniki


The final goal of the workshop is to bring together a large community of practitioners and researchers in the field of enterprise and system engineering, services engineering, management, and architecture. The audience of this workshop includes (but is not limited to) architects in indifferent domains (i.e. enterprise, system, process, application, and data), CIO, ICT project leaders, as well as researchers who can both contribute to and benefit from studying the business-it relationships in the organisations (more)

Submission deadline: 4th March 2014

BM/EA alignment

Saturday, March 1st, 2014

Boris Fritscher, Yves Pigneur (2014) A Visual Approach to Business IT Alignment between Business Model and Enterprise Architecture, International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) (forthcoming)

In this paper, we put forward an intermediary model that can support the transition between a business model and an IT infrastructure, then provide an example of how the approach can be used. The model is based on a combination of existing models: enterprise architecture and the Business Model Canvas. We show how the proposed intermediary model, which has a strong focus on a business model strategy, can help IT alignment. The intermediary model can help alignment from either a business model focus or an IT infrastructure focus because of the correspondence between the two paradigms. The focus on visualization within the intermediary model aids in quickly illustrating the common ground held by the parties involved in the alignment.


2103, a busy year

Saturday, December 21st, 2013

a super year 2013 that has brought us in Asia, Europe and North America:

- a visiting position at National University of Singapore (NUS) and HEC Montréal, with nice colleagues and fruitful meetings, and back to Lausanne in September;

- an extraordinary “Business Design Summit” in Berlin (post), brilliantly organised by Strategyzer (Business Model Generation), with fantastic authors, with 250 participants (sold-out) and great energy in the room;

- over 50 keynotes, seminars and workshops on BMGEN and a warm welcome in Singapore, Seoul, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Vienna, Berlin, Paris, Liege, Namur, Twente, London, Montréal, Toronto, Boston, New York and … Lausanne;

- the first BMGEN “Train the trainers” workshop with Alex in Vienna;

- the still growing diffusion of the Business Model Canvas all over the world and Business Model Generation back in top 250 of all Amazon books (January 6th, 2014: image), after 4 years! now close to a million books sold, in 28 languages. “Importantly, Fortune 500 companies are now more systematically adopting the BM Canvas on a wide scale” quoting Alex (Strategyzer)

and ’

- our regular meetings with Alex, a continuous source of inspiration!

Seasonal greetings :-)

Business modelling and enterprise architecture

Friday, October 11th, 2013

PhD thesis committee for Lucas Meertens (web) defended at the University of Twente.

“His thesis proposes a methodology for creating business models, evaluating them, and relating them to enterprise architecture. The methodology consists of several steps, leading from an organization’s current situation to a target situation, via business models and enterprise architecture.”

BMGEN at Veolia

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013

workshop at IMD for Veolia, invited by Prof. Cyril Bouquet

This mini-workshop aims at presenting the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas for designing, assessing and challenging business models. Business model innovation and industry changes will be illustrated with examples, ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies (invent or improve?). Design thinking attitude and customer centricity will also be emphasised for exploring, prototyping and testing business models. Furthermore, business model mechanics, economics and layering will be presented and illustrated. Ground rules and pitfalls in the usage of the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas will be illustrated.

BMGEN à Generation Inc

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

Interview par Isabelle Marquis, rédactrice en chef de Generation INc

“Dans cette vidéo, Yves explique qu’il ne faut pas jeter la faute systématiquement sur son produit lorsque les ventes sont moins bonnes, il faut savoir se questionner sur l’ensemble du fonctionnement de l’entreprise. Les entrepreneurs ont avantage à revoir régulièrement leur modèle d’affaires pour en identifier les lacunes avant que celles-ci ne soient trop importantes. Même quand tout va bien, l’entrepreneur doit repenser son modèle d’affaires pour garder une longueur d’avance sur ses concurrents. (more)

e-gouvernement en Suisse

Thursday, August 22nd, 2013

jury pour la soutenance de thèse de José Formaz à l’IDHEAP (web), supervisée par Olivier Glassey et Jean-Loup Chappelet.

La thése, intitulée “L’impact organisationnel de l’informatisation des administrations publiques suisses : le cas du registre de l’état civil”, se donne pour objectif de répondre aux deux questions suivantes: (1) Comment les technologies de l’information influencent-t-elles les phénomènes de centralisation et de décentralisation des administrations publiques suisses? (2) L’informatisation des administrations publiques contribue-elle à une redéfinition des compétences et du pouvoir de décision au sein du système fédéraliste suisse?

au revoir Montréal

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

fin d’un merveilleux séjour à Montréal: accueil chaleureux à HEC Montreal, de bons moments avec Jacques Robert, Suzanne Rivard, Guy Pare et leurs collègues de systèmes d’information, plusieurs ateliers et des séances intéressantes avec les équipes d’entrepreneuriat, d’innovation (MOSAIC) et du EMBA HEC McGill … mais aussi des rencontres avec des entreprises montréalaises, des architectes québécois, sans oublier des voyages et présentations à Toronto, Boston et New York.

Ce n’est qu’un au revoir: nous reviendrons …