Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

BM evolution at Rideau

Friday, June 21st, 2013

meeting and interesting discussion with Peter W. Hart, CEO of Rideau and artist

Interesting evolutions of Rideau’s business model through 11 major business transformations, from an award manufacturer to a world leader in the field of employee recognition. Rideau delivers recognition and reward solutions that ” inspire employees to succeed and help the clients build positive relationships with their people to reflect the company’s values, increase revenues and exceed customer expectations … (web).

Peter is also an artist (web), with his gallery in the Old Montreal

Award for Alex at the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Alex was an luminary award recipient at the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference, co-organized by the Trinity College Dublin. Other recipients were Justin Rattner, CTO Intel, and Stephen Hawking, University of Cambridge!

Over 300 delegates from around the world were attending a major international conference Open Innovation 2.0: Sustainable Economy & Society in Dublin Castle on May 20th and 21st. Co-organised by Trinity College Dublin, (more)

Invitation à HEC Montréal

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

Arrivée ce 2 mai au Canada où je serai prof. invité à HEC Montréal pour quelques mois, au département de systèmes d’information (web). Quel accueil! quel plaisir de pouvoir séjourner ici et côtoyer tous ces super collègues …


Saturday, April 27th, 2013

Atelier BMGEN au Centre professionnel du Nord vaudois (CPNV)

Cette présentation a pour objectif de présenter à des jeunes en formation BMGEN pour concevoir, remettre en question et évaluer des business models.

bye bye Singapore

Thursday, February 28th, 2013

We are leaving Singapore, after 7 extraordinary months of visits, meetings, travels, lectures, keynotes, workshops, and adventures. Now back to Lausanne …

bye bye Singapore, we will come back … :-)

Swiss Chapter of AIS

Monday, February 25th, 2013

The Swiss chapter of the AIS (CHAIS) was funded at ECIS 2012 and approved by the AIS Council in December 2012. Membership will be open to all AIS members in good standing who either live or work in Switzerland, or who have a special relationship to Swiss IS researchers or IS research institutions. (more)

The first official CHAIS activity will be a one-day symposium which corresponds with the 30th anniversary of the Swiss Computer Science Society (SI) on June 25th, 2013 in Fribourg.

Singapour Eldorado scientifique ?

Saturday, February 9th, 2013
“Singapour Eldorado scientifique”, article Le Monde, Recherche, 9 février 2013, par David Larousserie (communiqué par Marc Laperrouza)

“L’île-Etat mise sur la science et la technologie pour devenir une société de la connaissance. Le résultat sera-t-il à la hauteur des promesses ? (more)

Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP)

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

meeting with Thomas Kosnik (web), prof at Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) and visiting NUS for a couple of days; discussion about entrepreneurship in Asia, exchange programme, and … business model canvas. Thomas also shared his ideas on how Global Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Altruists Network (GLEAN) can change the world …

“the Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) is the entrepreneurship center at Stanford University’s School of Engineering, dedicated to accelerating high-technology entrepreneurship education and creating scholarly research on technology-based firms … (more)

BMGEN is already well diffused in this program and Alex contributed several times, with videos in the eCorner (web)

BMGEN @ Nestlé

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

meeting with Valerio Nannini, Managing Director of Nestlé Singapore and chat about innovation, business models, design thinking, incubation and business innovation culture.

BMGEN brainstorming in Lausanne

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

Alex, Alan, Boris, Dave Gray and Chris Finlay brainstorming in my office in Lausanne on BMGEN and on “Cultural mapping”

The culture mapping tool created by Dave Gray is “an excellent tool for any company that’s dealing with a difficult transformation that will require rethinking, re-imagining or simply shifting the company culture (more)