Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

from Japan

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

from Shin Yamamoto (FB) … who organised our last visit and BMGEN workshop in Tokyo :-)

MJF’s business model

Friday, January 11th, 2013

Touched thought, Claude Nobs passed away yesterday … More than 10 years ago, the Montreux Jazz Festival (MJF), created by Claude Nobs, was the first case study and illustration of the Business Model Canvas (at that time, Business Model Ontology or BMO) …

Heiss begehrte Theorie aus der Schweiz

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

an article in the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) on BMGEN …

Alexander Osterwalder, Sie haben vor drei Jahren einen Weltbestseller veröffentlicht und sind in der Schweiz trotzdem nahezu unbekannt geblieben. Was ist schief gelaufen?
Alles lief wunderbar. Mein Ziel war nicht, berühmt zu werden, sondern ich wollte ein nützliches Denkmodell mit möglichst vielen Anwendern teilen. Als ich an der Universität Lausanne meine Dissertation über Geschäftsmodelle abgeschlossen hatte, publizierte ich sie online und betrieb einen Blog. Bald stellte ich fest, dass Unternehmen aus der ganzen Welt die Doktorarbeit herunterluden. Deshalb ging ich nach einiger Zeit wieder auf meinen Doktorvater Yves Pigneur zu und sagte: «Vielleicht sollten wir ein Buch dazu machen.» Weil jedes Jahr 11 000 Wirtschaftsbücher herauskommen und niemand auf das 11 001. wartet, gingen wir unkonventionelle Wege: Online fanden wir 470 Co-Autoren aus 45 Ländern. Zudem investierten wir viel Zeit in ein visuell ansprechendes Buch.

Wie oft hat sich das Buch «Business Model Generation» bis heute verkauft?
Wir sind inzwischen bei 500 000 verkauften Exemplaren Exemplaren in 45 Ländern. In Asien ist die Nachfrage enorm. In China hat sich unser Buch im letzten Halbjahr 80 000-mal verkauft, in Japan 60 000-mal. Damit haben wir unsere eigenen Erwartungen deutlich übertroffen. Es gibt nicht wahnsinnig viele Schweizer Management-Methoden, die weltweit angewendet werden.


2012, a fantastic year

Friday, December 28th, 2012

an exceptional sabbatical in Asia with Isabelle:

- a visiting position at National University of Singapore (NUS), a fabulous university, nice colleagues, fruitful meetings and many talks and workshops in Singapore,

- a marvellous one-week ’workation’ with Alex and Alan in Vietnam refining the ’Customer Value Map’ and a great BMGEN workshop at the Red Dot Design Museum.

- a lovely tour in Tokyo, Yokohama and Kyoto with talks, interviews and nice meetings with the BMGEN community

- a great visit, warm welcome, keynotes and meetings with BMGEN fans in Beijing and Shanghai

- the still growing diffusion of BMGEN and BMYou books in many languages and countries

- much more (Indonesia, Thailand, soon Korea and Malaysia)

and …

- our regular skype chats with Alex, a continuous source of inspiration!

All the best for 2013! :-)

a BMGEN Xmas

Friday, December 21st, 2012

on the Michel Winkler’s Facebook page

New Orleans’ startups

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

On CNN, “In Katrina’s shadow, New Orleans’ startups take flight”

“Entrepreneurship has spiked in New Orleans, a city that suffered a population exodus and struggled to get back on its feet after Katrina’s destruction (more)

The picture which illustrates this post presents the BMGEN canvas :-)

article sur BMGEN en Suisse

Thursday, November 8th, 2012

communiqué de Suisse …

Le livre de deux économistes lausannois devenu phénomène planétaire, par Benjamin Bollmann

«Business model: nouvelle génération», d’Yves Pigneur et Alexander Osterwalder, fait partie des ouvrages de management les plus vendus au monde. Il fait référence y compris dans la Silicon Valley. more

Repris à la radio (18ème min.) &

Cerebration 2012

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

was judge for the Cerebration 2012 case competition, organized by NUS b-school (MBA)

“Cerebration 2012 is a global MBA challenge where students can formulate strategies in response to complex business challenges faced by global companies. Cerebration is Singapore’s leading Masters level business competition organized by NUS Business School and attracts talent from all corners of the world … ” more

This year, 724 teams from business schools all over the world applied to Cerebration 2012. The selection process was conducted in the last 6 months. Today was the final round with 6 semi-finalists, who were flying to Singapore. Perfectly organized by a team of highly motivated and enthusiastic people.

Together with Siva Venkataramani, director at Cognizant, we were assigned to the Cognizant (web) case, presented by 2 semi-finalist teams of MBA students, the first team from Indian School of Business (ISB) and the second one form China Europee International Business School (CEIBS). Nice talks, great ideas, and interesting discussions.


Sunday, October 14th, 2012

“Plug-In@Blk71 is a joint initiative by NUS Enterprise, MDA [IDMPO] and Singtel Innov8 to aggregate a cluster of entrepreneurs for the purpose of creating a collaborative and synergistic community.

Managed by NUS Enterprise, Plug-In@Blk71 serves as a common platform where different stakeholders in a business venture can meet and be connected together to help accelerate the growth of young start-ups or even budding ideas”.

Organized by Ludmila Kopeikina and her team, 12 teams from NUS’ research labs delving in diverse research areas spent the weekend exploring potential market opportunities for their technologies. Their technology areas include battery technology to sensors for water contaminants, micro-needles to in-throat speech devices, mobile video technology to medical image processing.

Visiting professor at NUS

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

August 2nd, 2012
Message from the Department of Decision Sciences (web) at National University of Singapore (NUS):


Please join Decision Sciences in welcoming Professor Yves Pigneur (University of Lausanne), who is here as Visiting Professor from 1 August 2012 ’ 23 February 2013. His office is at BIZ 1 MRB #8-1, office no.6516 3074 or
