End of the story

December 13th, 2022

This is the last post of this blog, launched more than 10 years ago (1’600 blog posts). HEC Lausanne is no longer able to provide the service and will soon stop this blog.

TIC à Lyon

December 12th, 2022

Bientôt (14 décembre)

Conférence pour ADIRA  qui ” vous emmène dans le monde de l’INNOVATION, qu’elle soit entrepreneuriale, intrapreneuriale, disruptive ou incrémentale, technologique ou managériale ! [...] La Keynote d’Yves Pigneur, co-créateur du Business Model Canva et co-auteur des bests seller (The Invicible Company, Business Model Generation)

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Impact Award by AIS

December 12th, 2022

Together with Alex, we are receiving today the Impact Award by the Association of Information Systems (AIS) at ICIS, Copenhagen

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and still the most popular paper in the AISel


22 years of collaboration and friendship with Alex!

LinkedIn post by Christine Legner here
by Strategyzer here and tweet

Strategyzer/Etat de Vaud

December 11th, 2022

Un programme d’accélération pour PMEs vaudoises, l’année prochaine …

Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 12.10.58   PME Magazine


December 11th, 2022

An acceleration program coming next year with Alex and Cyril

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visite à Gjosa

December 2nd, 2022

Visite et présentation de TIC à Gjosa, spinoff de Creaholic,  invité par Luc Amgwerd et Elmar Mock

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Business Design Summit

December 1st, 2022

Almost 10 years ago, the Business Design Summit, by Strategyzer, an exclusive event for visionary leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, and consultants at Classic Remise Berlin on April 19-20, 2013,

Read the rest of this entry »

innovation Playground

November 30th, 2022

meeting with Sam at Bienne (P15) on The Innovation Playground



November 12th, 2022

friends of mine, Thompson and Poh Kam, NUS Business School’s professors have been recognised for their research impact, named among the global top two per cent of scientists in a Stanford study.

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«Le business plan est l’ennemi de l’innovation»

November 11th, 2022

Interview par PME Magazine et la BCV, à l’occasion d’une future masterclass et son sprint d’innovation, en Suisse romande (web)

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