BMGEN workshop at Start-up Design Week
1-day workshop on business model design for the start-up design week (web), invited by Khairu Rejal, program leader. Together with Khairu, Teddy Zmrhal from IDEO SIngapore will introduce the design thinking techniques and other deep dive tools.
The venue is the *SCAPE building at Orchad Link. *SCAPE is a non-profit organisation with its mission and vision rooted in support of youth, talent and leadership development. The organisation aims to facilitate youth-oriented programmes and support within various communities of youth interest. (more)
The Monday session aims at providing (very) young entrepreneurs with the Business Model Canvas for designing, prototyping and testing business models. Business model innovation and industry changes will be illustrated with examples such as Nespresso, Circus of the Sun, Apple, Amazon, Nintendo, SunEdisson, Eight19, and AirBnB. Design thinking attitude and customer centricity will also be emphasised with practical exercises. The new Value Proposition Designer will be illustrated and practiced.