Influence and social networks

seminar on “Influence and Social Networks & Graph theory” by Prof Jean-Fabrice Lebraty, IAE Lyon

Why fake news are a topic currently? Probably, it is due to the fact that these news may impact individual and group behavior. In that way, there is a direct link between fake news and influence. The concept of influence comes from the social sciences, particularly psychology. Influence can be defined as any change to perceptions, attitudes or behavior driven by interactions with an individual or a group. The question of influence is central in management. At individual level, it has an impact on the way we decide and at organizational level it contributes to make sense for employees as stakeholders. Nowadays Social Networks are the main vector for influence. In this seminar, we will display the links between influence and social newtorks using graph theory and in order to better understand the spread of influence and the way to contain it.

Jean-Fabrice Lebraty is professor, Lyon University. He belongs to Magellan research lab. He is specialized in Information System Management. His main areas of interest are extreme decision making, crowdsourcing and blockchain. He works too in the FNEGE foundation as international program manager.

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