Tama University

Webinar for Tama business school, Tokyo, with Noboru Konno 紺野登, Ryuta Kono 河野龍太 and 山本伸 Shin Yamamoto


Screenshot 2022-07-10 at 17.59.29

“Designing Business Models with Purpose”

Why do business models with a purpose matter more today than ever before (in change management)?

I will illustrate this topic in three contexts:
a. Inventing new “Business Models with a Purpose” / startups
(e.g. How Yvon Chouinard, founder Patagonia focused on building an impact business from the start)
b. Shifting towards a “Business Model with a Purpose”
(e.g. How Henrik Poulsen, CEO transformed Orsted from oil & gas to renewable energy)
c. Managing a “Business Model Portfolio with a Purpose”
(e.g. How Paul Polman incorporated sustainability into Unilever’s portfolio)

Ending by evoking the establishment of an innovation/exploration culture in the companies.

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