Privacy in mobile context-aware services

(2009 – )

This project (Pervacy) will address the challenges posed by the advent of mobile pervasive services in terms of privacy. In particular, special attention will be given to challenges related location-based information manipulated by such services. From a conceptual perspective, the project will consider issues along three complementary angles, namely a distributed systems angle, a software engineering angle and a mobile business angle. From a practical perspective, the project will aim at producing a software platform that will allow end-users to control the privacy of their personal information themselves, and that will help developers to build pervasive location-based services that support such user-oriented privacy control. Futhermore, the services provided by the platform will be illustrated with a demonstration application, in the area of mobile tourism.

Doctoral thesis
Boris Fritscher, Computer Aided Business Model Design and Innovation

Research grants
Funded by the Nokia Research Center, Lausanne

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