Keynote at EADS for the participants of the Expand program

“Expand est le deuxième programme de développement pour les talents. Il s’adresse aux senior managers et exécutifs récemment promus. Il vise à former les futurs leaders d’EADS par le développement des compétences de leadership et une sensibilisation à la stratégie globale du groupe” (Les Echos)

This talk aims at shortly presenting the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas for designing, assessing and challenging business models. Business model innovation and industry changes will be illustrated with examples, ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies (invent or improve?). Design thinking attitude and customer centricity will also be emphasised for exploring, prototyping and testing business models. Furthermore, business model mechanics, economics and layering will be presented and illustrated. Ground rules and pitfalls in the usage of the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas will be illustrated. The session will be a mix between presentation, Q&A and hands on practice.


The programme is aligned with some typical issues raised by intrapreneurship and business model innovation in large corporations. It is based on 3 (maturity) levels of business model strategy (see attached document)

Introduction – From Product Innovation to Business Model innovation

- Understanding Business Model Canvas fundamentals
- Using customer centricity as a starting point for value proposition design

1. From Decision Making to Design Thinking and Customer Development

- Prototyping and coming up with innotive business models with a design mindset
- Testing business models, market fit and customer development (& links with lean start-up)

2. From Business Plan to Business Story

- Discovering and preparing the story behind a business model using BM mechanics
- Checking the numbers, simulation and BM economics

3. From Sustained Competitive Advantage to Transient Business Model

- Exploring the morphing or evolution of business models using BM layers
- Assessing the future scenarios with BM environment

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