Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

BM portfolios

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

Mini offsite and work session on business model portfolios with Alex in La Sage, birthplace of our first bestseller :-)

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An Open Letter To CEOs

Tuesday, July 18th, 2017

Blog post on Strategyzer

Thinkers50, the Oscars of management thinking, asked Alex and I to write a letter to CEOs who are faced with the challenge of creating new and transformative growth inside their companies. This is our message to them.


Dear CEO,


Human and Ontological View Workshop

Thursday, July 6th, 2017

Talks at the workshop in honour of the retirement of Prof. Izak Benbasat and Prof. Yair Wand at UBC, Vancouver (event)

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“From a human point of view, there are different views of an information system. However, both reflect how people think about an IS. The Human view investigates how people interact with aspects of an IS. The ontological view considers that an IS reflect a reality – and uses an ontology to specify what might be represented (more)

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Letter to the CEO

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017

Thinkers50 is launching a new book “Dear CEO – 50 Personal Letters from the World’s Leading Business Thinkers” (extract), we coauthored one of them with Alex …

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30% discount: go to bloomsbury and quote DEAR30 at the checkout

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BM transformations

Thursday, June 29th, 2017

Following a fruitful discussion with Luis Cisneros about the evolution of business models, specifically in family business, I sketched out a framework and a typology of business model transformations, that I refined, illustrated and presented at the Strategyzer bootcamp.

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Business Architecture

Tuesday, June 27th, 2017

meeting with Pierre Haday and Bernard Gagnon, authors of “Business Architecture – The Missing Link in Strategy Formulation, Implementation and Execution”

“The goal of this book is to describe what business architecture is; how it can help meet the challenge of formulating, implementing and executing an organization’s strategy; and how to build and exploit a superior strategy management system that leverages business architecture (more)


Internationalisation d’un produit digital

Monday, June 19th, 2017

Soutenance par Valentin Pietra de sa thèse de master MScIS de HEC Lausanne, intitulée “Internationalisation d’un produit digital: cas de Popety, une solution pour le marché immobilier singapourien adaptée à la Suisse”, présidée par Thibault Estier.

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“Dans un monde de plus en plus digitalisé, décentralisé, où l’information est transmise instantanément, il est intéressant de se questionner sur l’implémentation des nouveaux modèles d’affaires digitaux que nous connaissons tous; ou plutôt, comment adapter un modèle existant à une nouvelle culture, à un nouveau territoire ? Comment rendre un produit digital local, global ? L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est de mettre en lumière certains facteurs et schémas pratiques et de commenter leur mise en place sur l’internationalisation d’une entreprise singapourienne en Suisse.

BM evolution, entreprenariat et innovation

Monday, June 12th, 2017

Discussion intéressante et amorce d’une réflexion plus approfondie avec Luis Cisneros, Frank Bares et Laurent Simon de HEC sur l’évolution des modèles d’affaires, l’entreprenariat et l’innovation dans les organisations existantes

BM evolution

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

Great discussion with Luis Cisneros on business model evolution, innovation, improve Vs invent, co-construction, contradiction, and family business …

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Wild Knowledge

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

Publication of the book “Wild Knowledge”, by Anders Indset, “a powerful and radical approach to thinking about our future and solving the challenges of our lives and businesses”, presented during the “Outthink the Revolution” session (web) in Zurich

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