Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

Security of Supply in the Electricity Sector

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

PhD defence of Sébastien Osorio for his thesis entitled “Security of Supply in the Electricity Sector: the Case of Switzerland”, under the supervision of Prof. Ann van Ackere and jury with Prof. Derek W. Bunn and Prof. Erik R. Larsen.

“The objective of this research is to elaborate on the concept of security of supply in the electricity sector (SoES), and to analyse in particular the case of Switzerland, mainly using a System Dynamics approach [...] The overall conclusion is that the security of supply is threatened in Switzerland.

Business Model Configurations

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

Seminar at HEC/ISI by Christian Nielsen, entitled ”Business Model Configurations: Challenging business model innovation and performance measurement”. Christian is head of the Business Model Design Center (web).

“This essay offers a new way forward for identifying business model innovation potentials and performance measures and the subsequent benchmarking of them. Initially, it expands upon the concept of business models by discussing the level of business model configurations, also known as patterns or taxonomies. The concept of business model configurations offers a value driver platform with related clusters of KPIs connected to 71 identified business model configurations as a starting point for management’s identification of relevant performance measures. The identification of value drivers is also a potential platform from which to create a decision support mechanism for business model innovation.” (more…)

Sony Seed Acceleration Program

Saturday, April 15th, 2017

an example of Business R&D (post), the Seed Acceleration Program(SAP) イノベーションを生み出す新規事業創出プログラム(web in Japanese, web in English)


“The Seed Acceleration Program (SAP) started in April 2014 aims to gather and train new business ideas outside the existing business domain. SAP utilizes Sony’s existing manufacturing expertise and creates new business quickly with a new approach. The website “First Flight” (web) crowdfunding promptly releases projects undergoing commercialization validation, verify real market needs and explore the possibility of commercialization (more)

Business Model Lifecycle

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

A recent post on the Strategyzer blog to present a 2-axis diagram which we had sketched a first version a couple of years ago in London …


Alex reminded us that we started to work together on Business Model 17 years ago and … still collaborate :-)

Funny to see that BMGEN (#2) and VPDesign are still on the Amazon Best Sellers (Strategic Planning)


Corporate entrepreneurship

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

Discussion with Wim Vanhaverbeke (web) on corporate entrepreneurship, open innovation, and ecosystem of business models. Together with Henry Chesbrough, they established the European Innovation Forum (EIF).


Social business models at Balloon

Monday, March 6th, 2017

Another meeting with Maria San Martin & Sebastián Salinas, Balloon (web2e463228cdb24359efde92ac5b159f9667b4e904

Sebastián, Ashoka Fellow (web) created Balloon, “an entrepreneurship program that seeks to form young people in the frame of social compromise and supports entrepreneurs from rural areas to help them develop their projects. A double objective where both groups complement each other in a learning process that causes great social impact.”

workshop at Idemax and adaptative capacity

Monday, March 6th, 2017

BMGEN workshop for the IDEMAX team, and meetings with Juan Carlos Eichholz, founder and CEO of CLA (web) and Sebastián Amaral, Idemax (web); introduced by Dave Gray, Xplane.


Juan Carlos also authored “Adaptive Capacity: How Organizations Can Thrive in a Changing World” (amazon).

Big companies and startups

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

Interesting report by Serguei Netessine, INSEAD and on How do the World’s Biggest Companies Deal with the Startup Revolution”, with the metaphor of the Swiss Army Knife of Corporate Startup Engagement

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Junior Entrepreneur

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Rencontre et jolie discussion avec Patrick Delarive, entrepreneur et chargé de cours à HEC, sur ses multiples projets, dont notamment sa D-academy avec ses programmes “Junior Entrepreneur” et “Entrepreneur de soi”


Mobile checklists

Tuesday, January 31st, 2017

defence of his PhD thesis by Thomas Boillat, entitled “The Design and Uses of IT Artefacts for Individual Routines”, under the supervision of Christine Legner.

“Research stream 1 investigates the interplay between individual routines and mobile apps as IT artefact. Research stream 2 looks into the capacities of mobile checklists, i.e. checklists that are executed on mobile devices, to codify and execute routines. [...] Research stream 3 seeks to analyze the structures and the components of individual routines in order to describe, assess and improve them. It intends to understand the extent to which activity patterns are structured vs. unstructured and the uses of IT artifacts in these patterns. Thus, it investigates the use of maturity models and process mining to support organizations in analyzing and improving their routines. …