Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

Growth engine inside big corporations

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016

Fruitful discussion on growth engine inside big corporations with Alex and Rita Gunther McGrath, Prof. at Columbia, a globally recognized expert on strategy, innovation, and growth with an emphasis on corporate entrepreneurship (more)


Capacities of mobile checklists

Monday, November 14th, 2016

private defence of his PhD thesis by Thomas Boillat, entitled “The Design and Uses of IT Artefacts for Individual Routines”, under the supervision of Christine Legner, and with expert Alexander Maedche.

“Research stream 1 investigates the interplay between individual routines and mobile apps as IT artefact. Research stream 2 looks into the capacities of mobile checklists, i.e. checklists that are executed on mobile devices, to codify and execute routines. [...] Research stream 3 seeks to analyze the structures and the components of individual routines in order to describe, assess and improve them. It intends to understand the extent to which activity patterns are structured vs. unstructured and the uses of IT artifacts in these patterns. Thus, it investigates the use of maturity models and process mining to support organizations in analyzing and improving their routines. …

Service Design

Friday, November 11th, 2016

The Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas in the toolbox used by Paul Moran (linkedIn)


MCI, organisation d’événements

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016

super intervention dans le cours de Business Model Design de Sébastien Tondeur, CEO de MCI (web), qui offre une solution globale intégrée en conseil et organisation de congrès et événements d’entreprise; présentation du business model de MCI, de son histoire personnelle et de ses lectures coups de coeurs …

MCI Building Community_Horizontal_LogoScreen Shot 2016-11-02 at 21.50.09

expansion internationale

Tuesday, November 1st, 2016

longue discussion, toujours intéressante, avec Philippe Monnier (linkedin), sur l’établissement d’entreprises et startups étrangères en Suisse, notamment WayRay (web)

“WayRay is a fast-growing and multiple-award-winning Swiss-headquartered international company whose flagship product is NAVION, the first holographic car navigation system that uses True Augmented Reality …

Avant de reprendre son activité de conseil, Philippe avait notamment dirigé le Greater Geneva Berne area (GGBa); sa longue expérience du Japon lui a aussi valu d’être le partenaire suisse de “Invest in Japan”.

Innovation versus renovation

Wednesday, October 12th, 2016

Talk by Elmar Mock, inventor of the Swatch watch and founder of CREAHOLIC (web), a kind of Swiss IDEO, an innovation fabric, on innovation Vs renovation.


He also visited the C-K theory and presented his new book “The Innovation Factory” with Gilles Garel (amazon)


Business analytics

Monday, October 10th, 2016

Interesting discussion with Kevin Follonier, founder of SensDat (web), a startup in London for business analytics and reporting


Sensdat “builds a customized data analytics hub that condenses layers of reports into a core set of automated and intelligent dashboards. Rather than create a new report for every new question, analysts can find the answers they need in a matter of seconds …

Organisational configurations and innovation

Thursday, October 6th, 2016

Meeting with Alex, discussion about organisational configurations, such as adhocracy, for supporting innovation, but also preparing a “Letter to CEOs” for Thinkers50.



Friday, September 30th, 2016

Call for Papers
CAiSE 2017 – 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 12-16 June 2017, Essen, Germany (web)


Digital Connected World – Informed, Disruptive Business Transformation
The theme addresses the needed business transformations to guarantee organizational survival in a continuously changing world …

Panel on BM design at SMS Berlin

Sunday, September 18th, 2016

Panel with Raffi Amit and Clayton Christensen on The Art and Science of Business Model Design, during the SMS conference in Berlin

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“This panel connects the discourses on business models, disruptive innovation, and design by considering business models as design artifacts. Managers and entrepreneurs are the architects and system designers who conceive of innovative business models that may disrupt entire industries. The objectives of the proposed panel include: to address the community of academics, business practitioners, and consultants (the “ABCs”) to generate a deep dialogue about business model research and its applications, specifically with respect to industry disruption; to examine the roles of founders and top managers as architects and designers of their business models; and to highlight research opportunities at the intersection of business model research, disruptive innovation, and design (web)