Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

BMGEN/VPDesign at entrePrism

Monday, May 30th, 2016

Jury avec Claude Pinard, directeur de la Fondation Saputo, et Prof. Luis Cisneros, pour le concours de entrePrism de HEC Montréal: 8 présentations intéressantes par de jeunes entrepreneurs passionnés en business social, développement durable ou économie du partage, tous utilisant le BMC et VPC.


entrePrism, un modèle novateur d’entrepreneuriat comme outil d’intégration sociale et économique, a pour objectif d’accompagner des entrepreneurs notamment issus des communautés culturelles dans le démarrage de nouvelles entreprises et dans la croissance des activités d’entreprises existantes (more)

How innovators think

Friday, May 27th, 2016

I’m discovering the Laurent Haug’s website on his upcoming book “How Innovators Think”

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“How Innovators Think is a project to identify and research the patterns in the thinking of the world’s top innovators, to find out how it differs from that of non-innovators. In today’s world, innovation is an imperative, but very few people and organizations succeed at it (more)

Creative Mornings à Montréal

Friday, May 27th, 2016

Excellente conférence et jolie rencontre avec l’architecte Jean-François St-Onge, lors du Creative Mornings sur “Reality” (web) à Montréal, animé par Louis-Félix Binette à l’Auberge St Gabriel.

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Jean-François a créé l’agence ADHOC (web). Il a présenté 5 attitudes clés du métier d’architecte: celles du parachutiste, du tai chi, du contorsionniste, du surfeur et du bobbeur, illustrées par 5 super projets de son agence.


thesis on IS development

Tuesday, May 24th, 2016

Thesis defence at HEC Montréal, on “Three essays on IS development”, by Gregory Vial, supervised by Suzanne Rivard

Information systems development (ISD) projects are complex and challenging endeavors. Seeking to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the ISD process, practitioners have relied on various strategies to organize ISD. This thesis is composed of three essays which all rely on organizational theory as a reference discipline to provide the theoretical lenses that can help us increase our understanding of two of those strategies: (1) outsourced ISD and (2) agile ISD. The first essay adopts a deductive approach and draws from institutional theory to build a process explanation on effects of differences between parties in outsourced ISD projects. The second essay focuses on agile ISD to investigate, using a multiple case study design, how project teams experience agility in ISD projects. The third essay adopts a deductive approach to propose a novel conceptualization of ISD as an organizational routine and explore the theoretical and empirical implications of this conceptualization using agile ISD as a contextual application. Overall the three essays that form this thesis address important questions to build theoretical as well as empirical insight in a rigorous manner on relevant topics of ISD research.

Health Information Systems

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016

Research seminar on Understanding the potential of Connected Health – the case of the Leanmbh project, by Prof.Frédéric Adam, University College Cork

The talk will concentrate on a detailed presentation of the on-going Leanbh project which is aimed at developing and testing a home based solution for the early detection of pre-eclampsia and other blood pressure related disorders in expecting mothers. More generally, it will consider broad range of issues which are inherent in the concept of connected health with a specific focus on the application of mobile computing and decision support ideas into the clinical environment.


visite à CandySan

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

Une dernière visite, avant le retour en Suisse, chez Benoît Theveny (iciJapon), entrepreneur tokyoïte, dont la boutique en ligne de friandises japonaises connaît une croissance assez extraordinaire. Sa maison regorge de marchandise, une véritable ruche, et le camion de la poste y passe trois fois par jour pour charger les colis qui partent à l’étranger.

visit at Waseda

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

visit at Graduate School of Business and Finance, invited by Prof. Tatsuyuki Negoro, dean, and Kaori Togashi


BMGEN at Todai

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Seminar at the University of Tokyo (TODAI), invited by Prof. Hideyuki Horii, head of the iSchool (web)

The iSchool organises each summer the UTokyo Innovation Summer Program (TISP2016). During the 2-week program, students studying in Universities outside Japan and students in UTokyo, will engage in classes, workshops and fieldwork in Tokyo followed by a program to a local region of Japan.

This keynote will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will learn the latest on how to design and test business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation. Design thinking and customer development will also be emphasised for exploring, prototyping and experimenting value propositions and business models. Ground rules and pitfalls in the usage of the Business Model Canvas in large corporations will be illustrated.

Visit at Keio

Monday, April 11th, 2016

Visit at Keio Media Design (KMD), at Yokohama, invited by the dean Prof. Masa Inakage (web)


“The Graduate School of Media Design (KMD) was established to train talented individuals to work on the global stage building and running new industries for the coming “creative society,” a world in which the driving force of the economy will be creativity rather than productivity or efficiency …” (more)


The Culture Map by Xplane

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

workshop on The Culture Map by Dave Gray (sign up here for the Newsletter)


“Since Dave Gray and Strategyzer launched the Culture Map, thousands of people around the world have downloaded the tool to help them design their corporate culture.

The blog post on Strategyzer and another post by Dave Gray

Culture_map_strategyzer get the Culture Map here