Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

Reimagining the Business Model Canvas

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

At SVA’s Products of Design, the course “Business Structures”, by Amy Whitaker, is about business as a language and a design medium; the students experimented with reimagining the business model canvas. Amy’s quote: “it was, as always, fun to see business in the hands of designers.

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L’art du pitch

Sunday, February 28th, 2016

L’art du pitch par Dina Elikan, qui débute ce printemps comme doctorante à HEC Lausanne

Le pitch est l’arme absolue des startupers. En quelques secondes, ils doivent captiver l’attention de leur auditoire et expliquer leur business. Pour les jeunes du Silicon Valley Startup Camp, découvrir ce discours flash et ses ressorts constitue une expérience inédite (publié sur le blog de Bilan en septembre 2015)


The Mission Model Canvas

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

A joint blog post on the Steve Blank’s blog and the Strategyzer’s blog presenting “The Mission Model Canvas”, an adapted business model canvas for mission-driven organisations. The question was How do we use the Business Model Canvas if the primary goal is not to earn money, but to fulfill a mission? In other words, how can we adapt the Business Model Canvas when the primary metrics of success for an organization is not revenue? (post) (post)


BMGEN and designers

Monday, February 15th, 2016

a short article in FastCoDesign recommending to “Know The Business Model Canvas, a handy document for quickly visualizing any business model …”

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BMGEN at Lift conference

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

Our co-author Greg Bernarda is running a BMGEN/VPDesign prototyping lab at LIFT conference with Strategyzer


Alex joined the Prototyping Lab as a robot


Master theses in IS

Monday, February 1st, 2016

Defences of master theses in our Master of science in Information Systems (MScIS), in collaboration with the EPFL’s CHIC program, initiated by Marc Laperrouza:

Dina Elikan, Service and product design, user experience and testing of adoption hypothesis: designing a service that connects the elderly to internet communications

Noémie Abert, Gamification in Education: A Game to transform outdoor experiments into an exciting learning adventure

Philippe Gannagé, Comment choisir la bonne solution de financement pour une start-up ?

Joan Popadic, Business Model Evolution and Portfolio: Case Study on Xiaomi’s Business Model

Visualiser le pouvoir

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

discussion riche et intéressante avec Serger Reymond et Norman Lessard, créateurs de la méthode PRIM pour cartographier les relations d’influence dans un groupe d’individu, “dont le niveau d’influence individuel, la culture du groupe, la stabilité du système et les inconsistances entre les objectifs à atteindre et la répartition du pouvoir”.


“Sur la base de ces constats, prim permet de simuler des scénarios et d’en visualiser les impacts sur l’équipe. Que ce soit l’ajout ou le départ d’un membre de l’équipe, une réorganisation interne ou l’introduction d’un nouveau projet organisationnel prim permet d’évaluer en amont les impacts de ces actions sur le fonctionnement de votre équipe. (brochure)

lean startup

Friday, January 8th, 2016

blog post and article “Why the lean startup changes everything”, by Steve Blank, in HBR

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Collaboration map

Thursday, January 7th, 2016

fruitful discussion with Alex, Stefano and Tony for refining COOPILOT (web), the Stefano’s tool to visualise, assess and improve the coordination and the alignment inside a project team.

coopilot card

Culture map

Thursday, January 7th, 2016

article “Why Your Company Might Be About To Have A Kodak Moment”, with Alex and Kavi, that will appear in an upcoming issue of The Smart Manager (web), India’s first management magazine.


“Good innovation doesn’t necessarily have to be tied to a product or technology if the value proposition creates value for your customers, and your business model creates value for the company. Good business model innovation starts with your culture. In this post we’ll explain how …

the blog post on Strategyzer

Culture_map_strategyzer get the Culture Map here