Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

Business Plan, to do or not to do?

Thursday, July 23rd, 2015

Provocative article in Entrepreneur, entitled “3 Ways Untested Business Plans Are Worse Than a Waste of Time”

“Business plans, when introduced early on in an innovation exercise, are a dangerous document to create. It’s simply the wrong tool for the task and it might even lead to an expensive lesson in failure. Businesses need to throw out the business plan during the early stages of validating an idea, and instead take small, quick, incremental steps to test their business idea in the market (more).

Aligned with the one of the Lessons Learned reminded in “Value Proposition Design” :Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 10.21.42

Rubik’s Cube for ideation

Friday, July 17th, 2015

interesting meeting with Helene Michel, professor at EM Grenoble. She has developed a serious game using the Rubik’s cube, which aims at helping people to imagine new ideas for new products or new services. She has develop MOOC on Udemy (online)


visit of an architect studio

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

A last visit at Provencher Roy (web) “Prix du cabinet d’architectes de l’année 2015″, invited by Alain Moureaux

Since 1983, Provencher Roy + Associés Architectes, a dominant presence in urban architecture in Canada, has provided architecture and urban design services to its national and international clientele (more). In 2005, Moureaux Hauspy Designers joined forces with Provencher Roy Group. This association enables both teams to combine their complementary talents in the joint pursuit of excellence and aims to widen its range of expertise by extending beyond the boundaries of traditional architecture and interior design.

Transformation fulgurante

Thursday, June 25th, 2015

Conférence et réflexions sur l’évolution technologique par Pierre Giorgini, Recteur de l’Université Catholique de Lille et auteur de “La transformation fulgurante” à HEC Montréal dans le cadre de l’école d’été Mosaic


PLM at HEC Montréal

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

Talk by Frantz Rowe (EiC of EJIS), for the GReSI researchers, on “Sharing sticky knowledge in new product development with suppliers: a configurational approach of PLM use for glitch avoidance”

“Knowledge sharing is critical for New Product Development (NPD), especially when suppliers are involved but the contribution of IT to knowledge sharing is unclear. Whereas the contribution of IT to explicit knowledge sharing is well researched, this paper investigates the contribution of IT to avoid misunderstandings related to sticky knowledge in NPD projects (more)


an original way to apply the Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) method, developed by Charles Ragin.

Tutoriel BMGEN à Montréal

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

Première présentation d’une série de courtes vidéos en français sur BMGEN à l’Institut d’entrepreneuriat Banque Nationale – HEC Montréal (iebn)


Literature review in IS

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

Nice thesis defence by Mathieu Templier at HEC Montréal, entitled “Organizing and Synthesizing the Information Systems Research: Three Essays on the Methods and Applications of Stand-alone Literature Reviews”, under the supervision of Guy Paré (more)

30ème anniversaire du DPIO et MscIS

Sunday, May 10th, 2015

Soirée très réussie pour célébrer les 30 ans du DPIO, notre master en systèmes d’information, avec une présentation de TED par Bruno Giussani, European Director, et des témoignages d’anciens étudiants du DPIO:

Fabio Ronga et Yves Steinhauser, fondateur et CEO de Beqom
Claude Philipona & Luc Maurer, Fondateurs & CEO de CampToCamp
Alex Osterwalder, fondateur et CEO de Strategyzer
Didier Schwarz, fondateur et CEO de Wicard
Véronique Athané, COO de MPS Micro Precision Systems
Taha Ben Mrad, fondateur et PDG de Simalaya
Francois Briod, fondateur CEO Tawipay
Christian Wanner, fondateur et ex-CEO de LeShop

“En 1984, HEC Lausanne lance une nouvelle formation, le Diplôme Postgrade en Informatique et Organisation (DPIO). Aujourd’hui, ordinateurs, smartphones et tablettes sont au coeur des entreprises, transformant ainsi l’informatique en moteur de l’innovation et de l’entrepreneuriat. (30ans).


review for CBI 2015

Sunday, April 19th, 2015

Lat minute reviews for the IEEE Conference on Business Informatics 2015, which will be held in Lisbon on June 13-16


“The conference aims at advancing quality research related to business and practice, while addressing several relevant and inter-related domains. For details on domains (listed below) and topics addressed in this conference see our Call for Papers (more)

entrepreneur à Tokyo

Monday, April 13th, 2015

Toujours un réel plaisir de rencontrer Benoît Theveny (iciJapon), notre ami entrepreneur, dont la boutique en ligne de friandises japonaises connaît une jolie croissance à l’international et qui continue à étendre son portfolio de business models, avec notamment un projet de plate-forme de contenu (vidéos, manga, …) en gestation. Le tournage a commencé et le design du site web a démarré. Sa nouvelle maison et son garage ressemblent à une ruche en permanente activité …