Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

Comité scientifique à la Fondation Cigref

Thursday, November 13th, 2014

Last meeting at the Fondation CIGREF for the ISD program and review of the final report “Designing the 2020 digital enterprise”.


ISD International Research Programme has three goals

  • Make the link between past and present, between the long-time history that can identify trends and patterns, and the short duration of the life of companies.
  • Enlighten the future of the IS function considering the knowledge built on this base.
  • Alert the executive of major corporations, public and private, on strategic issues related to the changes caused by the transformation from an industrial economy to a network economy based on knowledge and management of intangibles.



Thursday, November 6th, 2014

IN less than 24 hours, 3 fruitful and interesting meetings on innovation, ideas, trends, business models, … with

- Bruno Giussani, European Director of TED (web), a “curator of ideas” (web),

- Philippe Gaemperle, Directeur de Genilem (web) et David Narr,

- Claude Amiguet, Directeur de Neode (web)

Entreprenariat à l’ECAL

Monday, November 3rd, 2014

conférence par Christian Saclier (head of design, Nestlé) dans le cadre de la Semaine entrepreneuriale à l’ECAL, intitulée “Comment les designers peuvent-ils aider les entrepreneurs” (design industriel, design thinking, …)


business model, value proposition and innovation

Friday, October 10th, 2014

interesting and fruitful meetings this week on business model and innovation, with three BMGEN adopters:

- Valerio Nannini, Nestlé, Senior Vice-President of Innovation and Performance, on how to innovate in large corporations;

- Laurent Delétraz, Skyguide Solutions (web), intrapreneur, on how to create new business models and change the culture in the infrastructure companies (Air Trafic Control);

- Sam Schnedier, Customfuture (web), founder and designer, on how to design innovative services and align them with communication and culture in start-ups and large corporations.

Global Carbon Wealth

Friday, September 12th, 2014

Interesting discussion with Suren Erkman, Frédéric Meylan et Vincent Moreau on carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and valorisation. When you know that the stock of carbon in the atmosphere is 800 giga-tons, the issue makes sense …

“Given present trends in anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, finding solutions to stabilize or even decrease the atmospheric concentration of this greenhouse gas becomes urgent matter. One option, «carbon capture and valorization» (CCV) emerged recently. According to the perspective of industrial ecology, CCV considers carbon dioxide as a resource instead of a waste. (more)


Online course on VPD

Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

video shooting at Berlin for a new online course on Value Proposition Design, directed by Daniela Berto (*), with the VPD team

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(*) Daniela designed the first video for BMGEN in 2011, viewed more than one million times (youtube)

Computer-Aided Business Model Design

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

Public PhD defence by Boris Fritscher (web) of his thesis entitled “Computer-Aided Business Model Design”, with the thesis committee: Prof. Jos van Hillegersberg (Twente University), Alain Wegmann (EPFL) and Thibault Estier (HEC). Congratulation Doctor Fritscher!

The purpose of this thesis is to identify the functionality that is necessary in a computer-aided design tool in a strategic context, specifically in the design of business models. The research question can be stated as follows: “How can computer-aided design help in designing and assessing strategic business objects, such as business models?”


Privacy Management for mobile devices

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

PhD defence by Zhan Liu of his thesis entitled “Adaptive Privacy Management System Design For Context-Aware Mobile Devices”, with the thesis committee: Prof. Fang Gang (Hangzhou Dianzi U.), Jean-Fabrice Lebraty (U. Lyon) and Prof. Benoît Garbinato (HEC)

His papers address the three following research questions
- How can context-awareness technologies be used in a privacy management system for mobile phone devices in order to improve authentication security and maintain ease of use?
- How can we design a context-aware mobile application that protects users’ personal information by considering personalization and control?
- How do mobile users perceive about information privacy related issues when using location-based mobile application, and what is the role of personalized services and control over personal information in such context?


Monday, August 25th, 2014

meeting with Patrick Aebischer (web), President of EPFL, Martin Vetterli (web), President of the National Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation, and Alex Osterwalder (web), founder of Strategyzer: discussion on BMGEN, its online course (web), MOOCS, Coursera at EPFL (web), …


Serious gaming for teaching

Monday, August 25th, 2014

PhD defence by Sabine Emad of her thesis entitled “Cost effective game based marketing teaching in immersive 3d virtual worlds: implementation to case study teaching in second life”, with the thesis committee: Prof. Hélène Michel (Grenoble) and Stephanie Missonier (HEC)

The problem this research is trying to solve is to leverage on virtual worlds technologies to propose an innovative marketing teaching method, which is flexible enough to be implemented by any marketing faculty, is better suited to the gamers’ generation and allows for a more customized and more efficient learning.