Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

design school

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

fruitful meeting with Fabienne Münch, Chair of Université de Montréal Design School (introduced by Alexandre Joyce)

“Prior to this position, Fabienne was Director of Ideation for the design driven furniture leader Herman Miller Inc., a think tank that synthesizes user needs research, future trends and business factors into concept explorations, charting paths for potential innovations. Fabienne has held various leadership positions in Research & Development, notably with Herman Miller incubator, Creative Office, and as Director of large scale product development projects. (more)

An expert in design projects, business models in the design industry, convinced that the BMC should be useful to the designers …

media …

Monday, August 4th, 2014

week-end avec Sylvain Lafrance (wikipedia) et sa femme Caroline Bergeron, photographe (web). Sylvain a été président de Radio Canada et de la communauté des Radios Francophones Publiques (RFP); honoré par plusieurs distinctions au Canada et en Europe. Depuis deux ans, Sylvain est professeur à HEC Montréal, directeur du pôle Media. Intéressé par le BM canvas appliqué à l’industrie des médias …

Innovation Summer Program at Tokyo

Friday, August 1st, 2014

Prof. Hideyuki Horii and his team of iSchool at the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) are hosting the the UTokyo Innovation Summer Program (TISP) this week


“During the two-week TISP program, the students, both from outside Japan and The University of Tokyo, will intensively experience classes, workshops and field researches and hone their innovation skills, in Tokyo and the Tohoku region, disaster-struck areas in the north-east of the country [...] Our mission is to help the participants develop skills, minds and motivations to make innovations and solve socialproblems. (more)

They also use the Business Model Canvas … and Mathilde from Lausanne is participating to this Summer program.


design …

Monday, July 28th, 2014

rencontre fascinante avec Michel Dallaire, designer, et Alain Moureaux, architecte d’intérieur, tous les deux récompensés par de nombreux prix.

Alain, ami de très longue date, fondateur du bureau d’architecture d’intérieur Moureaux & Hauspy, et avec lequel j’ai des discussions fréquentes sur le design (Cf posts précédents: meeting with architects ici et BMGEN for architect ici). Son équipe a notamment produit une vidéo sur un projet récent qui met bien en lumière l’acte de design et de prototyping.


Michel Dallaire est un designer industriel québécois de renom (wikipedia). Il a notamment fait le design des vélos en libre service BIXI. Il est membre de l’Académie royale des arts du Canada, professeur à l’Université de Montréal mais a aussi professeur invité à l’ECAL de Lausanne! et … intéressé par le Business Model Canvas.

dallaire dallaire2


Business model and family business succession

Friday, July 25th, 2014

work session with Luis Cisneros (hec) on business models, family business and succession

Based on the BM canvas, the idea should be to create a tool, such as a new canvas or framework, for helping family businesses to analyse their existing business model at the succession time and to co-design a new one that the successor could execute to survive or growth. The use of BM layers could be adopted to consider the three critical areas of a family business: business, family and ownership/governance, illustrated by the Three Circle Family Business System Model, proposed by Tagiuri and Davis (1982).



creative morning at Montreal

Friday, July 25th, 2014

participation to Creative Morning at Montreal, on the theme “Heritage”, talk by Viviana de Loera (web), invited by Francis Gosselin (FandCo)

“In 2011, in collaboration with her partner Mark Fekete, Viviana de Loera co-founded the interdisciplinary design-build studio Mark + Vivi. Together they purchase, revitalize and live in tiny, forgotten, dilapidated micro-homes, … (more)


“CreativeMornings is a breakfast lecture series for the creative community (more), in 87 cities, 40’000 members

Business Model Innovation

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

new book by Allan Afuah on “Business Model Innovation”


“Rooted in strategic management research, Business Model Innovation explores the concepts, tools, and techniques that enable organizations to gain and/or maintain a competitive advantage in the face of technological innovation, globalization, and an increasingly knowledge-intensive economy. The book investigates how organizations can use innovations in business models to take advantage of entrepreneurial opportunities (more)

Voyage au pays des modèles d’affaires

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

Séminaire au GReSI (web), Montréal

Le séminaire aura pour objectif de passer en revue une quinzaine d’années de recherches, de réflexions et d’accomplissements dans la mise au point d’outils, conceptuels et informatiques, pour soutenir la conception de modèles d’affaires. On distinguera trois périodes de chacune environ quatre années dans cette évolution. La première correspond à la modélisation conceptuelle d’une Business Model Ontology.


créativité et collaboration

Friday, June 27th, 2014

meeting with Francis Gosselin, founder with Louis-Félix Binette of FandCo (web), a creativity and collaboration consulting firm, very cool

I have also discovered the Creative morning at Montreal (web)

“The Montreal chapter of CreativeMornings was launched for creating a community of people who shared their passion. They put a lot of energy into organizing events, at 8am on the last Friday of every month, that showcase unique speakers in various Montreal creative hotspots

Groupement des chefs d’entreprise

Friday, June 20th, 2014

rencontre avec Michel Bundock, directeur général du Groupement des chefs d’entreprise du Québec (web), récemment tombé sous le charme du Business Model Canvas …

“Le Groupement des chefs d’entreprise est un réseau rassemblant 1800 membres, dans plus de 235 clubs au Québec, au Nouveau-Brunswick, en Belgique, en Suisse et en France, pour accompagner la progression des chefs propriétaires de PME et leurs successeurs (more)