Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

Responsibility metamodel

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

Doctoral thesis committee for Christophe Feltus’s thesis entitled “Elaboration and Implementation of a Responsibility Metamodel to Improve the Alignment of Access Rights Management with Governance Needs”, supervised by Prof. Michael Petit & Eric Dubois, defended at the University of Namur

Three research questions : (1) Considering the corporate and IT governance needs, what are the concepts which constitute the core of the responsibility and how these concepts may be associated in a dedicated Responsibility metamodel? (2) How may business/IT alignment be improved considering the responsibility, in the context of enterprise architecture model, and for the field of access rights management? and (3) How may responsibility be mapped with the role based access control model and how does this mapping enhance the access rights management?

Ontology design

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

PhD thesis committee for Dong Han, entitled “Formalized Modeling of Qualitative Case Studies”, defended at the University of Neuchâtel, under supervision of Prof. Kilian Stoffel.

“This thesis aims to solve the problems of data modelization and processing emerging in qualitative case studies. A suit of ontologies are proposed for knowledge representation, integration, and extraction. Based on this knowledge, topic analysis is conducted to discover the latent information out of the original documents in order to depict the implicit themes and set up sophisticated hierarchical structures of these topics. With the built structures, ontology inference is carried out to produce new facts to assist domain tasks. This method is applicable within the range of multiple lingualism including non-alphabetical languages such as Chinese.”

Industrial automation

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

PhD thesis committee for Teemu Tunkelo, entitled “Technology life cycles in a slow clockspeed industry: The case of Industrial automation”, defended at the University of Lausanne, under supervision of Prof. Ari-Pekka Hameri.

“This thesis examines the current state of industrial automation subject to the competition between the incumbents firstly through research on cost competitiveness efforts in captive outsourcing of engineering, research and development and secondly process re-engineering in the case of complex system global software support. Thirdly Teemu Tunkelo investigates the industry actors’, namely customers, incumbents and newcomers, views on the future direction of industrial automation.”

News from the Swiss Chapter of AIS

Thursday, December 12th, 2013

Swiss AIS members who are attending ICIS 2013 at Milano are invited to join the CHAIS Dinner on Sunday, December 15, 20:00h (more).

Swiss doctoral students in IS are invited to attend the “Winter School on Design Science and Design Thinking in IS” at Ovronaz from January 13 to 17, 2014. The objective of this course is to offer PhD students in information systems (IS) and computer science (CS) the methodological foundation of design science research and design thinking (more)

Elmar Mock on innovation management

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

talk by Elmar Mock on innovation factory & innovation process

Elmar is the co-inventor of the Swatch watch. In 1986, he founded Créaholic (web), an innovation fabric. He is a member of the Institute for Entrepreneurship (web) and co-author, with Giles Garel, of the book ’La Fabrique de l’innovation’, which presents the creation of the Swatch watch. Elmar is a regular guest speaker in international conferences and courses at university.

quotes on BMGEN

Saturday, November 16th, 2013

Top Leadership Quote

“Every organization is looking for that edge to help them break free from their traditional business model and develop effective and cost efficient strategies. The Business Model Canvas provides a terrific blueprint that enables organizations to challenge their current thinking and create new business models. It opens up exciting dialogue and generates new ideas from unlikely corners of the company. We loved it.”

-George Borst, CEO Toyota Financial Services

Senior Leadership/Doer Quote

’As MasterCard, we are relentlessly focused on product management excellence. The Business Model Canvas is a powerful tool to encourage end-to-end thinking, allowing our teams to consider all aspects of bringing a product to market. We are using it to move beyond features towards more integrated thinking and value creation.’

Tim Murphy, Chief Product Officer Mastercard

Academia Quote

’The Business Model Canvas is now taught to every fulltime MBA student at our school. It has become the standard for describing and designing business models.’

Henry Chesbrough, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley

Entrepreneur’s Quote

’The business tool that revolutionized how to think about new ventures’

Steve Blank, serial entrepreneur turned educator

Dr Patrick Georges on knowledge management

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

talk by Dr Patrik Georges on

Knowledge management, between IT and cognition. How to collect, structure and distribute knowledge within workgroups

Doctor Patrick M. Georges, MD is a neurosurgeon and professor in management. He teaches to managers at HEC Paris, University of Brussels (Solvay) and Collège Des Ingénieurs (CDI), Paris. His research and studies are on cognitive ergonomics and human and collective intelligence in organisations. He is the author of best-sellers books such as «Improve your Effectiveness». (more)

Alex’s tweet: “Blown away by neurosurgeon Patrick George who turned serial-entrepreneur at age 50. Now building/selling companies like a machine-gun.”

Train the trainers workshop

Monday, October 28th, 2013

First “Train the Trainer Business Model Canvas Certification Workshop”, organised in Vienna by Strategyzer Academy (web)

Become a Certified Business Model Canvas Trainer by Strategyzer Academy, the organization founded by the makers behind the Business Model Generation movement! We are building a brand new certification program together with you, our community, and are searching for the first outstanding cohort of trainers (more)

Report by Mike Lachapelle:
Well, I finally got some sit down time to write about the 2-day Train-the-Trainer session I attended. It’s been a fantastic week here in Vienna (we threw in some vacation time as well) and we have worn ourselves to a frazzle (more)

TIC et arts

Friday, October 18th, 2013

Quel est l’apport des nouvelles technologies à la création artistique? C’est la question à laquelle ont répondu différentes personnalités à l’occasion du colloque annuel du Réseau des professeurs émérites et honoraires de l’Université de Namur, organisé par François Bodart, ce 17 octobre. (more)

Business Model Inc.

Saturday, October 12th, 2013

Fruitful discussion with Patrick van der Pijl, CEO and founder of Business Models Inc., on business model visualisation, innovation and training.

Business Models Inc. is an international strategy and business model consulting agency. It helps (corporate) organizations and startups to design business models of the future. The approach is innovative, visual, refreshing and uses design thinking techniques and co-creation. (more)

A nice summary by Patrick de Zeeuw of a recent workshops given by Maaike Doyer at StartupBootcamp here (November 2013);
and one video by Business Model Inc. here.