Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

Entreprise architecture

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

Small seminar on Enterprise Architecture at EPFL, organised by Gil Regev and Alain Wegmann, with Eric Proper and other colleagues.

“SEAM is a family of methods for strategic thinking, business / IT alignment, and requirements engineering. The originality of SEAM is in the integration of generic system thinking principles into discipline-specific methods (more)

“ArchiMate®, an Open Group Standard, is an open and independent modelling language for enterprise architecture that is supported by different tool vendors and consulting firms. ArchiMate provides instruments to enable enterprise architects to describe, analyze and visualize the relationships among business domains in an unambiguous way (more)

funding business models

Friday, July 26th, 2013

nice meeting with Chris Arsenault (web), founder and managing partner of iNovia, a venture capital firm mainly for high-tech companies (introduced by Joe Rouse, NUS at Singapore).

The discussion and ideas were about business models, lean startup, customer development, value proposition testing, the recent wave of entrepreneurship spirit in Canada, and his vision to see iNovia becoming the most important venture capital firm in Canada and among the best ones in North America.

Project risk management

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013

Thesis defence of Mazen El-Masri on « A decision support system for software project risk management ’ A three-essay dissertation », serving on the thesis committee with Jacques Robert, President, Suzanne Rivard, supervisor, and Henri Barki

“The dissertation takes a design science approach to articulate the design principles of a software project risk management system that accounts for the dynamic interrelations between risk components …”

création d’entreprise sans business plan

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

longue discussion, riche et rafraîchissante avec Claude Ananou (web) et Louis Jacques Fillion (web), auteurs de “Réussir sa création d’entreprise, sans business plan”.

Le livre presente une approche (SynOpp) et des outils pour soutenir la création d’opportunité du futur entrepreneur. “Les approches suggérées font appel autant à ses capacités créatives qu’analytiques pour transformer la compréhension des besoins du marché en opportunités d’affaires” … (more)

Claude enseigne l’entrepreneuriat depuis plusieurs années après avoir été entrepreneur (histoire) et est l’initiateur de la méthode SynOpp. Louis Jacques (web) est titulaire de la chaire Bombardier d’entrepreneurship. Ses recherches portent sur les systèmes d’activités des entrepreneurs et des intrapreneurs, les processus visionnaires et la création d’entreprises. Il a notamment effectué son doctorat sous la supervision de Peter Checkland et est donc particulièrement sensible aux approches de conception et aux systèmes dit souples ou Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). Sa leçon inaugurale à HEC (1999) intitulée “Tintin, Minville, l’entrepreneur et la potion magique” est un petit chef d’oeuvre.

BMGEN, a “metanoia” ? “awakening, fundamental shift or change of the mind, a transcendence” ? according to Peter Senge (Fifth discipline: the art and practice of learning organisation) :-)

the end of competitive advantage

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

Rita Gunther McGrath (web), a Professor at Columbia Business School, is a globally recognized expert on strategy in uncertain and volatile environments. I met her the first time at the Berlin Business Summit (web); together with Steve Blank they presented an unforgettable panel.

In her new book, Rita argues that “it’s time to go beyond the very concept of sustainable competitive advantage. Instead, organizations need to forge a new path to winning: capturing opportunities fast, exploiting them decisively, and moving on even before they are exhausted. She shows how to do this with a new set of practices based on the notion of transient competitive advantage (more)

business models and value proposition at NYU

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

fruitful meeting with Ari Ginsberg (web), professor of entrepreneurship at NYU’s Stern School of Business and director of the Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship (web)

“As inaugural head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation area at the Stern School of Business, (more) … The Berkley Centre provides students with real-world, hands-on startup experiences that complement the rigorous instruction received in the classroom (more)

I knew Ari since 1997, when Michael Bloch spent a couple of months in his department at NYU. Together with Ajit Kambil they co-authored a working paper (Re-Inventing Value Propositions), which had a strong influence on our work with Alex on the BMGEN canvas and the more recent Value Proposition Canvas (VPC).

Tech3Lab & neuroIS

Thursday, June 20th, 2013

interesting discussion with Pierre-Marjorique Léger, founder and head of Tech3Lab (web), a young but already renowned platform for research in NeuroIS

The Tech3Lab allows advanced research in NeuroIS. The laboratory provides the researchers with neurophysiological and oculometric tools for studying collaboration and decision-making among users of business applications and Internet consumers. (more). The lab has been launched in 2012 but the research in neuroIS has started 5 years ago and already generated an impressive list of publications (web).

“NeuroIS is an emerging subfield within the IS discipline that makes use of neuroscience and neurophysiological tools and theories to better understand the development and use of information and communication technologies in organizations and society (web). is a website which provides information about NeuroIS. In particular, the site describes the so-called Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS.

References (web)

vom Brocke, J.; Riedl, R.; Léger, P.-M.: Application Strategies for Neuroscience in Information Systems Design Science Research. Journal of Computer Information Systems, forthcoming (PDF)

Dimoka, A.; Banker, R. D.; Benbasat, I.; Davis, F. D.; Dennis, A. R.; Gefen, D.; Gupta, A.; Ischebeck, A.; Kenning, P.; Müller-Putz, G.; Pavlou, P. A.; Riedl, R.; vom Brocke, J.; Weber, B.: On the Use of Neurophysiological Tools in IS Research: Developing a Research Agenda for NeuroIS. MIS Quarterly 3/2012, 679-702 (abstract)

Dimoka, A.; Pavlou, P. A.; Davis, F. D.: NeuroIS: The Potential of Cognitive Neuroscience for Information Systems Research. Information Systems Research 4/2011, 687-702 (abstract)

BMGEN & entrepreneurship at HEC Montreal

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

long interview and rich discussion with Luis-Felipe Cisneros-Martinez & Franc Barès on entrepreneurship, innovation et business model

Luis and Franck are professors in entrepreneurship and family business at HEC Montreal. Luis will lead a large project in Quebec, called “Parcours entrepreneurial Rémi-Marcoux” (web) for developing the entrepreneurship mindset of students on the Campus Montreal (web).

Campus Montréal is a join initiative of the University of Montreal, the Polytechnic School and HEC Montreal. Recently Campus Montreal receives two important grants from the National Bank (news) and Remi Marcoux, TC Transcontinental (news).

ERPsim L@b

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

2nd ERPsim Academic User Group Meeting at Montreal, organized by Gilbert Babin, Pierre-Majorique Léger & Jacques Robert, with the participation of a team from Lausanne (Maia Wentland, Thibault Estier & Cédric Gaspoz).

Sustainability and business models

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

meeting with Alexandre Joyce, designer, about his thesis at Concordia on sustainability, business models and design.

Alexandre Joyce works as a advisor in sustainable development for the Institute for product development (IPD). [...] he helps innovation teams take environmental concerns into account during the design phase and intergrate sustainability in their product development process. (more).

L’Institut organise cette semaine à Montréal un colloque sur l’innovation responsable pour une croissance durable (web) où Xavier Pavie de l’ESSEC, avec qui j’ai travaillé à Singapour, présentera une conférence intitulée “Les enjeux de l’innovation responsable” (web)