Archive for the ‘ideas’ Category

Corporate entrepreneurship at Babson

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

great meeting and discussion with Jay Rao, Professor at Babson (web)

His research interests are in the areas of innovation, implementation of innovation initiatives within firms, corporate entrepreneurship and customer experience innovation. His latest article in Sloan Management Review “How Innovative is Your Company’s Culture” (web) and his book

BMGEN in Japan

Thursday, June 6th, 2013

Ideathon (Idea + Maratthon) and Business Design Workshops in Japan, by Shin Yamamoto (Facebook)

meeting with architects

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

Nice and fruitful meeting with two architects, Dan Hanganu and Alain Moureaux at the abbey of Saint-Benoit-du-Lac.

Dan Hanganu is a renowned architect who has designed a number of buildings in Quebec, including the the HEC Montréal building, the headquarter of Le Cirque du Soleil and the Abbey of Saint-Benoit-du-Lac (and many other commercial, residential and cultural buildings (wikipedia) (video). It was fascinating to hear his explanations on the design and the construction of the church for the Benedictine monks in St-Benoit-du-Lac.

Alain Moureaux is a famous interior designer who has co-founded one of the most renowned company in Canada. “Well known for many projects that testify his unmistakable taste for movement and evolution and for his know-how of modernism and functionalism, … (more). It is a permanent pleasure to chat with him on his design activity.

Grand Prix du Design 1999

AIM’2013 à Lyon

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Présentation en vidéoconférence pour le 18ème colloque de l’Association Information et Management (AIM) à Lyon les 23 et 24 mai, organisé par EM Lyon, IAE Lyon et IUT Lyon, sur le thème du “Big data”, sous la présidence du Prof. Jean-Fabrice Lebraty.

“Le croisement du phénomène de mondialisation et du développement continu des technologies de l’information a débouché sur une explosion des volumes de données disponibles. Ainsi, les capacités de production, de stockage et de traitement des données ont franchi un tel seuil que depuis peu, un terme a été mis en avant : Big Data. (more)

Quelques réflexions sur la recherche en SI, dans une présentation intitulée “Dessine-moi un enseignant-chercheur en SI”. Est-il athlète, artisan et/ou artiste?

visit at Rotman b-school

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

visit at the Rotman b-school (web) & itsDesignWork (web), great discussion with Roger Martin (web) and nice talk withJennifer Riel.

“Rotman DesignWorks (web) is the Business Design Studio at the Rotman School of Management. They teach students how to tackle complex business challenges using Business Design, a human-centred, creative problem solving methodology … (more)

Roger just edited the book “Rotman on Design”, a collection of 40 papers he and his colleagues have authored on Design Thinking in Rotman Magazine.

Roger Martin will soon be the next director of the Martin Prosperity Institute (web), succeeding Richard Florida. The day of my visit, Indigo Books & Music CEO Heather Reisman moderated a discussion panel where perspectives from three of the world’s leading thinkers discussed The Future of Capitalism, with Roger Martin, Dean, Richard Florida and Don Tapscott (web)

Business Science Institute

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

Le Business Science Institute est une Institution libre et internationale ayant pour objet le développement de l’Executive Education au plan international.

La mission du Business Science Institute est de favoriser le développement professionnel et personnel des managers et des entreprises grâce à la mobilisation de ressources académiques internationales de qualité. (more)

Designing the VPC booklet

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

Nice and fruitful retreat at Schlossgut Gross Schwansee in Mecklenburg, (so well organised by Peter), with Alex, Alan, Trish and Greg for preparing and designing the new booklet on Value Proposition Canvas.

The VPC is a plug-in canvas that complement the Business Model Canvas (see previous post here). The tool has now been presented, experienced and tested many times during lectures and workshops. Last time, during the Business Design Summit (BDSummit) in Berlin

BMGEN team meeting

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

An interesting meeting with all the persons participating to the BMGEN venture with Alex …

20 highly motivated people, about 20 ongoing projects and tons of ideas on content production, workshop prep and strategyzer (web) evolution

Picture by Dave (twitter) :

Berlin Business Summit

Thursday, April 18th, 2013

Business Design Summit, an exclusive event for 250 visionary leaders, executives,entrepreneurs, and consultants at Classic Remise (web) Berlin on April 19-20, 2013 … Great event! Great logistics! Great venue!


“Whether building new businesses or re-inventing existing ones, all leaders need practical strategies to navigate today’s ruthless business environment. You need tools, not talk.

A few authors, visionaries and world-class entrepreneurs recognize this. They are creating a new business toolbox and playbook to help you meet the demands of your market. They are developing tools that radically reduce your risk, increase your teams performance, clarify your strategy, boost your innovation efforts, discover what your customers really want, and more. … (more)

with great authors and speakers
Steve Blank (The startup-owner manual)
Henry Chesbrough (Open innovation)
Dave Gray (Gamestorming)
Rita Gunther McGrath (The end of competitive advantage)
Luke Hohmann (Innovation games)
Mark Johnson (Seizing the white space)
Lisa Kay Salomon (Moments of impact)
Stefano Mastrogiacomo (The lords of management)
David Sibbet (Visual meetings) and
Alex, Alan, Pat, Tim and Yves (Business model generation)

And several workshops, with great sketchers …

Wrap-up of the first day (by Christian Rangen) …

A blog post by Paul Hobcraft on the summit.

A recap by Mike …

BMGEN canvas in HBR

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

BMGEN canvas in HBR via Steve Blank …

see the Steve’s blog post When Hell Froze Over (post) and his HBR article …

For the next month, The Harvard Business Review is providing free access to the cover story article, ’Why the Lean Startup Changes Everything. …

Nespresso example in HBR with ALex’s narrated version on Web: