Archive for the ‘talks’ Category


Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

une conférence sur BMGEN/VPDesign reprise dans “5 Conférences USI indispensables aux startups”

“Ils sont CEO, coachs, auteurs, penseurs, spécialistes des enjeux des startups : les speakers USI offrent une véritable mine d’or d’expérience et d’expertises à tous les entrepreneurs (more)


BMGEN at UC Cork

Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

Seminar at University College Cork, invited by Frédéric Adam

In this interactive seminar, Yves Pigneur will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will revisit the latest on how to design business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation. Participants will apply the canvases to practical examples such as airBnB, Tesla, SunEdisson or Amazon, emphasising business model mechanics and storytelling. Design thinking and customer development will also be emphasized for exploring, prototyping and experimenting value propositions and business models. Ground rules and pitfalls in the use of the Business Model Canvas in large corporations will be illustrated. The new visual tool “Culture Map” will be briefly presented and illustrated.

Business Model Conference CfP

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017

Call for Papers is open for the Business Molde Conference (web), organised in Venice, by Christian Nielsen, Business Model Design Center, Aalborg

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“While a lot has been done, leading to fascinating insights for research and practice, research on business models is still raising new questions, proving that it is a progressive research stream in the sense of Lakatos. A scholarly conference dedicated to this topic is an opportunity to have constructive discussions on researching and teaching business models (more)

BMGEN/VPDesign masterclass at London

Thursday, October 27th, 2016

A two-day public masterclass at London with Alex, presenting the newest concepts and the freshest thinking, and with the nice sketches by Holger Nils Pohl (web)

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After this workshop you will have:

  • Learned about and applied a practical visual language and innovation process to describe, challenge, and design strategy and business models.
  • Appreciated powerful examples of business model innovation, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups and social entrepreneurship ventures.
  • Explored and prototyped business models using design thinking, customer development, and lean start-up methods to boost future growth

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BMGEN masterclass at Berlin

Thursday, September 22nd, 2016

A two-day public masterclass on BMGEN/VPDesign at Berlin with Alex, with the nice sketches by Holger Nils Pohl (web)


After this workshop you will have:

  • Learned about and applied a practical visual language and innovation process to describe, challenge, and design strategy and business models.
  • Appreciated powerful examples of business model innovation, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups and social entrepreneurship ventures.
  • Explored and prototyped business models using design thinking, customer development, and lean start-up methods to boost future growth

Panel on BM design at SMS Berlin

Sunday, September 18th, 2016

Panel with Raffi Amit and Clayton Christensen on The Art and Science of Business Model Design, during the SMS conference in Berlin

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“This panel connects the discourses on business models, disruptive innovation, and design by considering business models as design artifacts. Managers and entrepreneurs are the architects and system designers who conceive of innovative business models that may disrupt entire industries. The objectives of the proposed panel include: to address the community of academics, business practitioners, and consultants (the “ABCs”) to generate a deep dialogue about business model research and its applications, specifically with respect to industry disruption; to examine the roles of founders and top managers as architects and designers of their business models; and to highlight research opportunities at the intersection of business model research, disruptive innovation, and design (web)

BMGEN à Grenoble

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

Conférence sur Comment concevoir un business model et sa proposition de valeur, pour LinkSium (web) à Grenoble

“Linksium aide à convertir les résultats issus de la recherche publique en applications concrètes pour répondre aux besoins des entreprises et des citoyens. Comment ? Linksium favorise le transfert de technologies : c’est une passerelle innovante entre recherche publique et développement économique.

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Comment transformer ses idées d’entreprise en propositions de valeur innovantes et en modèles d’affaires performants ? Comment maitriser des outils et techniques efficaces, simples et éprouvés pour analyser, élaborer et évaluer ces propositions de valeur et ces modèles d’affaires? Les objectifs de cet exposé sont de (a) découvrir le Business Model Canvas et le Value Proposition Canvas, des outils visuels pour décrire, remettre en question et esquisser des modèles d’affaires et leurs propositions de valeur, (b) mieux comprendre certains exemples marquants d’innovation par les modèles d’affaires, et (c) évoquer certaines approches de “design thinking” et “lean startup” appliquées à la conception de business models.


Friday, September 2nd, 2016

Conférence et panel sur l’innovation par les business models, pour l’Association PME (web) et la CVCI à Lausanne, suivie d’une table ronde animée par Thierry Vial, rédacteur en chef de PME Magazine.

“Créée pour répondre aux besoins d’information, de formation et de contact des petites et très petites entreprises ainsi que des indépendants, l’association PME n’a pas d’équivalent en Suisse Romande et compte aujourd’hui plus de 150 membres représentant une trentaine de professions.


Comment transformer ses idées d’entreprise en propositions de valeur innovantes et en modèles d’affaires performants ? Comment maitriser des outils et techniques efficaces, simples et éprouvés pour analyser, élaborer et évaluer ces propositions de valeur et ces modèles d’affaires?

BMGEN at Lugano

Wednesday, August 24th, 2016

short trip to Lugano for BMGEN/VPDesign and visit to friends Prof. Erik Larsen (web) and Giovanni Camponovo (web), at Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)


Construire un business model viable

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

“Lecture du jour” sur le blog d’USI

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“Une grande proposition de valeur se développe bien dans un bon business model. Alors, comment définir et construire un business model ? C’est le point de départ de la réflexion parce que généralement, le seul outil de départ des jeunes entrepreneurs est un business plan, ce qui n’est ni suffisant, ni approprié. (more)