Archive for the ‘talks’ Category

Masterclass BMGEN/VPDesign à Montréal

Thursday, June 18th, 2015

Masterclass organisée par l’Institut d’entrepreneuriat de HEC Montréal

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Les objectifs de cet atelier sont de : (a) découvrir le Business Model Canvas et le Value Proposition Canvas, des outils visuels facilitant la description, la remise en question et l’esquisse des modèles d’affaires et leurs propositions de valeur; (b) mieux comprendre certains exemples marquants d’innovation par les modèles d’affaires; (c) explorer les approches “Design Thinking” et “Lean Startup” appliquées à la conception de modèles d’affaires. Pendant les deux jours, les participants auront l’occasion de mettre en pratique les concepts exposés lors d’exercices, de travaux de groupe et autres partages d’expérience (more)


VPDesign à Montréal

Monday, June 8th, 2015

Retour à Montréal pour une masterclass, des ateliers, des rencontres et autres conférences sur le design de business models et de leurs propositions de valeurs à HEC Montréal, Banque Nationale, Transcontinental …


Présentation et illustration du “Value Proposition Canvas”, pour décrire, remettre en question et esquisser les propositions de valeur d’un business model, mais aussi exploration des approches “Design Thinking” et “Lean Startup” pour prototyper et tester des business models et leurs propositions de valeur.

BMGEN masterclass at Boston

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

A 2-day workshop on Business Model Generation and Proposition Value Design at Boston with Alex

“A rare two-day public workshop by the team behind the groundbreaking and best-selling book, Business Model Generation”

After this workshop you will have: (a) Learned about and applied a practical visual language and innovation process to describe, challenge, and design strategy and business models, (b) Appreciated powerful examples of business model innovation, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups and social entrepreneurship ventures, and (c) Explored and prototyped business models using design thinking, customer development, and lean start-up methods to boost future growth

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see here for details


Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

Research seminar at UBC Sauder School of business (web), invited by Yair Wand and Hasan Cavusoglu. The seminar aims at presenting the evolution of BMGEN research, visualised by the following picture:


Designing business models and similar strategic objects: a design science approach

Based on our work and experience in the field of business models, we suggest that the current research focus in strategic management and entrepreneurship could be improved and enlightened by some of the more conceptual and design-oriented research. We highlight three areas in particular in which design science research has excelled that could inform research in strategic management. The first area concerns the identification, formalization, and visualization of the core constructs and models of interest related to the design and analysis of strategic business issues. The second area corresponds to the exploration of how design thinking techniques and tools might contribute to improving the design and prototyping of alternatives to strategic business questions. The third area addresses the research in computer-aided design assisting the process of designing strategic management objects such as business models.

Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y. (2013) Designing business models and similar strategic objects: the contribution of IS. Journal of AIS, 14(5), 237-244.

30ème anniversaire du DPIO et MscIS

Sunday, May 10th, 2015

Soirée très réussie pour célébrer les 30 ans du DPIO, notre master en systèmes d’information, avec une présentation de TED par Bruno Giussani, European Director, et des témoignages d’anciens étudiants du DPIO:

Fabio Ronga et Yves Steinhauser, fondateur et CEO de Beqom
Claude Philipona & Luc Maurer, Fondateurs & CEO de CampToCamp
Alex Osterwalder, fondateur et CEO de Strategyzer
Didier Schwarz, fondateur et CEO de Wicard
Véronique Athané, COO de MPS Micro Precision Systems
Taha Ben Mrad, fondateur et PDG de Simalaya
Francois Briod, fondateur CEO Tawipay
Christian Wanner, fondateur et ex-CEO de LeShop

“En 1984, HEC Lausanne lance une nouvelle formation, le Diplôme Postgrade en Informatique et Organisation (DPIO). Aujourd’hui, ordinateurs, smartphones et tablettes sont au coeur des entreprises, transformant ainsi l’informatique en moteur de l’innovation et de l’entrepreneuriat. (30ans).


VPDesign at Todai

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

Seminar at the University of Tokyo (TODAI), invited by Prof. Hideyuki Horii, head of the iSchool and inventor of a creativity process.

Fruitful discussion with Kinya Tagawa, creative director and co-founder of takram design engineering, an award-winning design engineer experienced in a wide range of products including hardware, software and interactive art (more); Kinya is also visiting professor at Royal college of Art.

The workshop aims at presenting the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas for designing, assessing and challenging business models and their value propositions. Design thinking attitude will also be emphasized for exploring and prototyping business models. Finally, the synergy between the business model canvas, lean startup and customer development will be briefly presented for testing business models.

VPDesign for JIN

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015

workshop for Japan Innovation Network (web) and Business Model Innovation Association at Tokyo, organized by Prof. Konno and Dr Shin Yamamoto; translation by 瓜田 忍 Shinobu Urita


Business Model & Value Proposition Design 〜独自のビジネスモデルと顧客価値を創造する方法〜
原著者Yves Pigneur(イヴ・ピニュール)氏から直接学べる貴重なチャンス! (more)

Other private workshops for Japanese companies (Panasonic, NEC, Sony)

VPDesign for BMIA

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

workshop for the Business Model Innovation Association in Japan (BMIA), launched by Shin Yamamoto (web) and his colleagues


In the talk with hands-on exercises Yves Pigneur will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will learn the latest on how to design and test business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation. He will, in particular, get participants to apply the concepts and tools from his new book, “Value Proposition Design”


A new visit in Tokyo

Sunday, April 5th, 2015

We arrived in Tokyo, for 3 weeks and a series of keynotes/workshops/meetings, at the University of Tokyo (iSchool), Japan Innovation Network (JIN), Business Model Innovation Association (BMIA), entrepreneurs and large corporations, and a last talk for the launch event of the Japanese translation of “Value Proposition Design”, organised by the publisher Shoesha (VPDesign).


VPDesign for Singapore Ideas Lab

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

webinar on VPDesign for Singapore Ideas Lab, organised by Eric Saint-André, Director and Lead Advisor at ASA Advisory Services and founder of Singapore Ideas Lab

Singapore Ideas Lab is a community of like-minded people passionate about innovation, startups and making ideas happen. The community includes startups and entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and staff from innovation units of leading MNCs / SMEs, business owners, business angels, VCs, employees, students, and anyone looking to kick-start their idea, simply curious and willing to help.


“Value Proposition Design is a powerful tool leveraging on the Value Proposition Canvas (VPC) to help come up, formalize and/or improve any startups, ideas, businesses value proposition. It zooms on two important blocks of the Business Model Canvas (or lean canvas) focusing on problem / solution fit (more)