Archive for the ‘talks’ Category
BMGEN at Wallifornia
Monday, May 17th, 2021webinar for Wallifornia MusicTech accelerator
This week the startups also had the chance to participate in the masterclass “The Invincible Company” with Yves Pigneur. ⚡
“Is innovation key for your company? Is it ready to constantly reinvent itself, compete on superior business models, and transcend industry boundaries? Are you excited to deep dive in the invincible or resilient company?”
TIC in Chile
Tuesday, May 4th, 2021TIC at IMD
Thursday, March 25th, 2021talk at IMD on The Invincible Company, invited by Cyril Bouquet, during the Transform TECH week, organised by IMD and EPFL
“Fantastic results Yves. Thanks so much!”
my quote for TransformTech:
“Is innovation key for your company? Is it ready to constantly reinvent itself, compete on superior business models, and transcend industry boundaries? Are you excited to deep dive in the invincible or resilient company? Join us at TransformTech. (more…)
Monday, March 22nd, 2021Strategyzer virtual masterclass with Alex
“Millions of business people in large corporations, SMEs, and new ventures alike, use our methods to strategize, innovate, transform, and grow. Discover and apply our latest thinking, trade secretes, and all the tools and processes from our 4 best-selling books, including the brand new book The Invincible Company. This Masterclass is hands-on and practical with extremely high energy, countless exercises, and tremendous take-home value.
TIC à Rezonance
Tuesday, March 9th, 2021mini-atelier pour un “Cercle Rezonance”, invité par Geneviève Morand
Construire des entreprises résilientes (more…)
TIC again at BMIA
Monday, March 1st, 2021webinar for BMIA, hosted by Shin Yamamoto (BMIA), presenting the Japanese edition of The Invincible Company (インビンシブル・カンパニー)
BM Design à HEC Montréal
Thursday, February 18th, 2021TIC for TEC Monterey
Tuesday, February 9th, 2021Tecnológico de Monterrey
Friday, February 5th, 2021Two lectures for Tecnológico de Monterrey (EGADE Business School), invited by Luis Cisneros
In these interactive and hands-on lectures, Yves Pigneur will describe how to design an innovation portfolio and an innovation culture for exploring new business models, while remaining world-class at exploiting the existing business. Yves will introduce a new concept that helps companies visualize if they are ready for the future or if they should fear disruption. He will also outline Business Model Patterns that allow established multinationals and startups to compete on better business models rather than just compete on new products, technologies, and price. (more…)