Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

BMGEN in Chile

Sunday, March 11th, 2018

“El pasado 9 y 10 de marzo, Yves Pigneur, uno de los creadores del modelo y libro Business Model Canvas junto a Alexander Osterwalder, estuvo en Chile para dar unas charlas gratuitas sobre los nuevos avances que ha realizado en el ámbito del estudio de los modelos de negocio para las empresas del futuro.

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Designing Service Systems at EPFL

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

Thesis defence by Gorica Tapandjieva, entitled “Designing, Aligning and Visualizing Service Systems”, supervised by Prof. Alain Wegmann at EPFL.

“Our main result is an ontology for SEAM service-modeling. Our contributions are the heuristics that define how the ontology relates to the perceived reality: they focus on behavior rather than organization and put an emphasis on service instances rather than service types. We also define alignment based on properties of the systems’ behavior. This thesis shows that it is possible to model an organization by implementing the concept of service as defined by our ontology. This ontology supports the design of service systems that align across both IT and business services. As we worked with over a hundred IT services, we provide a series of visualization prototypes of a service cartography to describe and relate the different views required to manage services.

Transposition Canvas

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

Presentation by Eliott Carrel of his “Transposition Canvas” and his master thesis “A Tool to Contribute to Business Model Transposition”


BMGEN dans Uniscope

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

“Septième: Alex et Yves. Classé dans le top 10 des penseurs en management les plus influents aux côtés de son ancien doctorant Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur raconte l’épopée de leur célèbre Business Model Canvas”, interview par Mélanie Affentranger dans l’Uniscope.

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BMC grafitti

Sunday, January 21st, 2018

BMC grafitti tag on the walls of San Francisco by Pat van der Pijl :-)


BMGEN dans Les Echos

Friday, January 19th, 2018

Interview dans Les Echos sur la genèse de BMGEN et quelques idées en cours


Avec Alexandre Osterwalder, vous avez inventé le business model canvas, un outil d’aide à la création de modèle d’affaires qui s’est imposé … more

Visual Tool Design at HICSS

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

Dina Elikan will present at HICSS’2018 our article “Designing Tools for Collectively Solving Ill-Structured Problems” with Hazbi Avdiji and Stéphanie Missonier.


Ill-structured management problems are of paramount importance for organizations today. As they are complex to solve, they are undertaken by teams of diverse individuals who make use of tools to help them in solving such problems. Most tools either focus on supporting collaborative practices or are dedicated to solving specific ill-structured problems. In this paper, we bridge these two perspectives and provide design principles for tools that both support collaboration and are tailored for specific ill-structured problems. We derived these design principles from our participant observation of two critical cases of such collaborative tools: the Business Model Canvas and the Team Alignment Map. We lay the theoretical and design foundations for future developments of similar collaborative tools. Our paper illustrates the value that the IS discipline can bring to the increasing call for a design approach to management by rigorously developing tools for co-design.

Our paper has been nominated for the “Best Paper Award”

ResearchGate version

Invincible Organization

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

A blog post with Alex on “How To Build Invincible Companies” (post)

“We believe there are three crucial areas that every company needs to consider in order to remain relevant and prosperous. Firstly, companies have to develop truly ambidextrous organizational structures where the innovation arm is given equal power alongside the existing business. Secondly, this innovation arm needs its very own culture, processes, skills, metrics, and incentives to explore potentially new business models and value propositions. Thirdly, companies need to better manage their portfolio of existing businesses and new opportunities–some that maintain and protect the current business, while cultivating the business models of tomorrow. (more)


Commune de Lonay

Saturday, December 16th, 2017

La commune de Lonay – où nous habitons tous les deux – nous met à l’honneur avec Alex pour le classement Thinkers50 et le soutien à La Pommeraie (web), suite à notre invitation par Laurent Haug à 200ideas (web).


HEC Best Teacher Award

Thursday, December 14th, 2017

Reçu ce jeudi un “HEC Best Teacher Award”