Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

keynote at Convenciòn de Industriales

Friday, May 26th, 2017

keynote at the 3era Convenciòn de Industriales, invited by Victor Gabriel Sánchez Trejo

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Yves Pigneur presentará las últimas herramientas de Innovación de Modelo de Negocio y Lean Startup. Los participantes revisarán lo último en cómo diseñar modelos de negocio y propuestas de valor para disminuir los riesgos de la innovación. También se enfatizará el Design Thinking y Business Development para explorar, prototipar y experimentar propuestas de valor y modelos de negocio.

innovation framework

Saturday, May 20th, 2017

brainstorming with Alex on a general innovation framework …

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Excellence in Execution

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

New book “Excellence in Execution” by Robin Speculand, providing a new approach to adopting the right mindset, toolset and skillset to execute strategy. [...] It moves from “why” execution is important to the “HOW” by offering tools, techniques, tips and uncommon practices to build your organization’s execution plan and deliver on your strategy promises (web)

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Elmar Mock

Friday, April 28th, 2017

Elmar Mock, inventor of the Swatch, has been nominated for the Lifetime Achievement category of the European Inventor Award 2017 (web)

Elmar_Mock._2016 voting here

BMGEN reported by BMIA

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

The event at Tama, reported on FB (post), by Yasushiro Watanabe, a co-founder of BMIA (FB)

昨日は、品川塾主催の イヴ・ピニュール氏講演&討論会「成功するオープンイノベーションとビジネスモデル」毎回、イヴさんの話はいつ聞いても、最新情報が満載で、心にります。…

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Yasushiro Watanabe is also the author of the best seller in Japan「1冊20分、読まずに「わかる!」すごい読書術 」(, presenting a spectacular reading technique!

“Dear reader, you hold in your hands a great, practical and inspiring book on “Resonance Reading”. Who better than Yashiro Watanabe for describing his innovative reading method? Let yourself be charmed by his original approach but proved” -yp

BMGEN at Tama U

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

workshop at Tama Graduate School of Business, invited by Prof. 紺野登 Noboru Konno and Prof. 河野 龍太 Ryuta Kono (web)



Business model innovation and open innovation

A recent survey by McKinsey showed that 80% of executives agree that innovation is critical for their business and growth strategy but only 6% are satisfied with the outcome. I will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will revisit the latest on how to design business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation.

University of Tokyo

Tuesday, April 18th, 2017

Meeting at the University of Tokyo (TODAI), with Prof. Hideyuki Horii, head of the iSchool (web), and his colleagues. Interesting discussion on design thinking, lean startup, and social business.

The iSchool organises each summer the UTokyo Innovation Summer Program (TISP2016). During the 2-week program, students studying in Universities outside Japan and students in UTokyo, will engage in classes, workshops and fieldwork in Tokyo followed by a program to a local region of Japan. Last year,Prof. Horii has also launched a Center for Social Innovation (JSIC), which is affiliated to

BMGEN/VPdesign at Waseda Business School

Saturday, April 15th, 2017

Lecture for WBS graduate students on “Research in Business model Design”, invited by the Dean Prof. Tatsuyuki Negoro.

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This special lecture is explaining how Dr. Yves PIGNEUR created the Business Model Campus and conducted 15 years of research in tool design …

Lean Launchpad in Japan

Saturday, April 15th, 2017

Meeting and super exchange with Takashi Tsutsumi, CEO and founder, Leaning Entrepreneur’s Lab (web).


Tsutsumi san runs the Japanese version of the “Lean Launchpad” program for universities, on the model launched by the Steve Blank (iCorp). More recently, he launched “e-school” (web) for high potential entrepreneurs. He also coached a lean startup program for (intrapreneurs in) big corporations, with great examples of “Business R&D” (see post) in Japan.


Friday, April 14th, 2017

イヴ・ピニュール氏来日講演『なぜビジネスモデルキャンバスが組織にイノベーションを起こすのか?』workshop for the Business Model Innovation Association in Japan (BMIA), launched by Shin Yamamoto and his colleagues


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In the mini-workshop, I will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will learn the latest on how to design and test business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation.

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