Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

BM innovation at telefonica

Friday, March 10th, 2017

meetings with teams of the Telefónica I+D Chile, on Business Model Innovation

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“Telefónica R&D, the Company of the Telefónica holding advocated to Innovation and Development, was born in 1988 having the mission of contributing to competitiveness and modernity of the holding, based on technological innovation and development; and applying new ideas, concepts and methods. It develops advanced products and services (more) …


Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

Lecture at Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, invited by Michael Leatherbee Grant, head of EPIC Lab (web)


In this interactive seminar, Yves Pigneur will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will revisit the latest on how to design business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation. Participants will apply the canvases to practical examples such as airBnB, Tesla, SunEdisson or Amazon. Design thinking and customer development will also be emphasized for exploring, prototyping and experimenting value propositions and business models.

BMGEN in el Mercurio

Monday, March 6th, 2017

interview for the el Mercurio newspaper, by Isidora Barberis


BMGEN in the 9 books every entrepreneur should read

Sunday, March 5th, 2017

a blog post by Tomasz Tunguz, venture capitalist at redpoint, presenting “the nine favorite books he has read over the last five years have helped him understand startups and the processes that make them successful (web)

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BMGEN at Santiago

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

First visits and meetings at Santiago de Chile, here for 10 BMGEN events …



Monday, February 20th, 2017

Program Board meeting at Luxembourg for the 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE), June 12-16 2017, on Digital Connected World – Informed, Disruptive Business Transformation. The theme addresses the needed business transformations to guarantee organizational survival in a continuously changing world …


Design a Better Business

Monday, February 6th, 2017

new book “Design a Better Business: New Tools, Skills, and Mindset for Strategy and Innovation”, by Patrick Van Der Pijl, Justin Lokitz and Lisa Kay Solomon

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Innovation playground

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017

Long chat with Sam on the Innovation Playground and evolution of the ABC concept (Amenity, Brand, Culture)


VPC video

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Translating the slides and subtitling in Japanese and Spanish the video explaining the Value Proposition Canvas, with the support of Adelphi, in view of my visit to Tokyo and Santiago de Chile this spring.

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Thesis defence at Cork

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

Jury with Prof. Frédéric Adam for a thesis at University College at Cork, defended by Carolanne Mahony. Her thesis extends one of her research papers presented in 2013 at ECIS. The paper was entitled “A Tool For Analysing e Information Behaviour Of Expectant And New Mothers”.

“This paper presents a tool that analyses the information behaviour of expectant and new mothers. The Information Behaviour Analysis Tool (IBAT) is based on a theoretical model of information behaviour that is adapted from extant literature. We use interview and activity diary data from the first stage of a longitudinal exploratory study to create and demonstrate the tool. The IBAT can be used to map the information behaviour of new and expectant mothers from beginning to end. Three different search episodes are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the tool and to highlight different types of search strategies. These examples demonstrate the variability of uncertainty as a factor during information behaviour and the interaction it can have when processing different information resources.