Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Growth engine inside big corporations
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016Fruitful discussion on growth engine inside big corporations with Alex and Rita Gunther McGrath, Prof. at Columbia, a globally recognized expert on strategy, innovation, and growth with an emphasis on corporate entrepreneurship (more)
BMGEN on Innovation Ecosystem
Tuesday, October 18th, 2016On innovation ecosystem (web), Alex discussed with Mark Tidwell “the innovative way [we] wrote the Business Model Generation book and explains why the Business Model Canvas is an excellent tool for businesses looking to challenge their current business model …
visual by Holger, Workvisual Institute (web)
Innovation Playground (Beta)
Saturday, October 15th, 2016A new iteration with Sam for refining and clarifying “The Innovation Playground Canvas”
VPC video
Friday, October 14th, 201611 Bad Habits Killing Innovation
Tuesday, October 11th, 2016A blogpost (post) on the Strategyzer blog
“Big companies have great execution habits to manage and improve proven and successful business models and value propositions. But those execution habits can easily kill any potential new growth engines inside the corporation. In this post we break down the 11 corporate habits killing your company’s innovation engine. How are you avoiding them?
Collaborative Creativity Canvas
Monday, September 26th, 2016Discussion with Martin Mahaux, University of Namur, on the design of his “Collaborative Creativity Canvas”
“Each box in the CCC reflects an aspect that influences your chances of success on a collaboratively creative effort … (blog)
Strategyzer Bootcamp
Saturday, August 27th, 2016The 5-day Strategyzer “Train the Trainers Bootcamp”, at the end of August, “for business coaches who want to get to the next level in business model/value proposition design and Lean Startup, and to learn about the trade secrets Strategyzer has developed based on global bestsellers Business Model Generation and Value Proposition Design (web)
with talks by 3 Thinkers50: Rita McGrath, Steve Blank, Henry Chesbrough, visit on site by Elmar Mock (inventor of the Swatch), Stefano Mastrogiacomo (The Alignment Map), Christian Sinobas (Kiwi); and online talks by Dave Gray (The Culture Map), Dan Roam (Back of the Napkin), and Tony Ulwick (Jobs-to-be-done).
BMGEN tool of the day
Friday, August 26th, 2016Tool of the Day as recommended by uxjobsboard (tweet)