Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

BMGEN and event management

Wednesday, May 25th, 2016

Nice discussion with a team of students working on future business models of eComMtl (web), coached by Stéphane Ricoul, founder and CEO of eComMtl, and Prof. Camille Grange, HEC.


Visite au Canada

Sunday, May 22nd, 2016

Nouvelle visite au Canada et à HEC Montréal pour une autre série d’événements BMGEN/VPDesign …

Montreal /Isabelle

Forum des 100

Thursday, May 19th, 2016

Forum des 100 à Lausanne

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La douzième édition du Forum des 100, organisé par L’Hebdo, est intitulé « Un monde de nouvelles frontières » . Il se tient le 19 mai 2016 à l’Université de Lausanne. La globalisation a ouvert de nouveaux marchés, mais de plus en plus de citoyens, en Europe et ailleurs, doutent des avantages de l’effacement des frontières (more)

voir la rubrique “Les inspirateurs” dans l’Hebdo ici

BMGEN on Amazon

Friday, May 13th, 2016

Amazon US classifies BMGEN #2 and VPDesign #7 in the category of “Strategic Business Planning”.

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There are many influential and important business books on that “Strategic Planning” bestseller list, such the famous “Good to Great” by Jim Collins. The #2 book on that same bestseller list is BMGEN, approximately 97 percent of the time.

Build Better Business Models

Wednesday, May 11th, 2016

mini-workshop by Alex at Rainmaking Loft, London


“Business model innovation is the number one area where incumbent players and startups will differentiate and drive competitive advantage.

Startupbootcamp InsurTech, FinTech, Rainmaking Innovation & Lean Startup Circle London (LSCL) are delighted to host a masterclass with Alex Osterwalder, in which Alex will dig deep into the concepts supporting the design of the best business models & value propositions. Alex will also share ways to use some practical tools to innovate within startup and corporate environments. The session will be followed by a Q&A (more)

Privacy-Based Adaptive Context-Aware Authentication

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

Liu, Z., Bonazzi, R., and Pigneur, Y. (2015) Privacy-Based Adaptive Context-Aware Authentication System for Personal Mobile Devices. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 12(1-2), 159-180

Over the past decade, mobile devices such as smartphones have become increasingly common as a form of handheld computing platform. The use of mobile applications on these mobile devices is experiencing unprecedented rates of growth. However, when using mobile applications, users are often requested to give context information. Such requests have led to growing privacy concerns. This paper proposes the use of context-awareness to improve single sign-on (SSO) solutions so that mobile users can protect their private information. A privacy-based adaptive SSO (ASSO) may be able to increase users’ perceived ease of use of the system and give service providers the necessary authentication security for their applications. The study was based on data gathered from 168 participants as part of the Lausanne Data Collection Campaign. This was led by the Nokia research center in Switzerland and used Nokia N95 phones. The analysis of SVM showed our expectations to be correct. Consequently, a new business model for mobile platforms has been proposed to reinforce our claim that privacy-friendly value propositions are possible and can be used to obtain a competitive advantage.

tournée asiatique

Monday, April 25th, 2016

End of our spring tour in Asia: Singapore, Tokyo, Kyoto and Seoul. More than fifteen keynotes, lectures and workshops on BMGEN/VPdesign. Fruitful visits and interesting meetings in prestigious universities (NUS, Tokyo, Kyoto, Keio, Tama, Waseda), incubators and companies.

Tama University IMG_7374 IMG_7187


Dongdaemun Design Plaza

Wednesday, April 13th, 2016

Visit at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza (web) in Seoul, and its Design Lab, designed by Zaha Hadid

“Based on the concept of a “Metonymic Landscape” and reminiscent of flowing water, the DDP embraces both Korean tradition and the future of ever-changing design, as well as spatial flexibility” (more)

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Club HEC Singapour

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016

Invited by the Club HEC Singapour, after-work for the HEC alumni, organised by Laura Zaccaria


Lean launchpad at NUS

Monday, March 21st, 2016

Lean LaunchPad Singapore (5th run) Final Presentations, organised by Prof. Poh Kam Wong, with Jerry Engel, Berkeley, at NUS The Hangar (web),

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“We’re pleased to present 11 teams, which includes 8 teams participating in the second edition of PUB’s Hydropreneur Programme (HPP). Teams from NUS, NTU and Ngee Ann Poly will share the key lessons learnt in their LLP journey, which started in Jan 2016 with the development of their Business Model Canvas.