BMGEN for Santa Inc.
Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015“The amazing business model of Santa, Inc” by Gérard Métrailler (blog), using Strategyzer
Season’s greetings,
Yves PigneurUniversity of Lausanne
“The amazing business model of Santa, Inc” by Gérard Métrailler (blog), using Strategyzer
Season’s greetings,
Thesis defence by Hendrik Ludolph at University of Neuchâtel, entitled “SoftwIre Integration – an approach to service composition through distributed representations of arbitrary-length business ontologies”, under the supervision of Gilbert Babin, HEC Montréal and Peter Kropf, UniNe.
Alex’s talk on our newest tool “Culture Map”, developed with Dave Gray, at the Lean Startup Conference, San Francisco, and at ESCP, Paris
How to improve your company’s innovation culture
“Most employees are aching for opportunities to be more happy, more innovative, more creative. They want to speak highly of their employer, to help achieve the company’s big goals. Yet reality disagrees. Fluorescent lights. The clickety-clack of keyboards. Conversations overheard across cubicle dividers. These define their day-to-day work life. … more ESCP
Lean Startup Circle meet up on “How improve your company’s innovation culture” (web) w/ Alex, at Pivotal Labs (web)
Created in collaboration with David Gray, the Culture Map helps you spark these critical conversations. You can map out cultural taboos that are holding you and your company back. Take charge. Take ownership of flaccid intra-company relationships and complexities … (web)
see a post on the Strategyzer blog here
Soutenance de thèse d’Alexandre Mitrailler, intitulée “EVOLIS : Un cadre conceptuel pour l’étude de l’évolution des systèmes d’information”, jury avec Michael Petit (Namur), Jean-Heny Morin (UniGe), Stéphanie Missonier et Thibault Estier, directeur de thèse (HEC)
on evolution of information systems, with a focus on the study of evolution triggers, what they represent and how they can be useful in the understanding of information systems lifecycle. To achieve this, Alexandre developed a framework to study information systems evolutions that takes into account not only the factors triggering evolutions, but also the nature of activities undertaken to evolve.
Strategyzer (web) offsite in the Swiss Alps with the entire team, flying in from 9 countries …
an occasion to remember the 15 year story of our concepts
Seminar at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS), in the Renowned Scholars Seminar Series (web), invited by Prof. Michel Avital
Designing tools to support strategic management and entrepreneurship
We suggest that the research focus in strategic management and entrepreneurship could be improved and enlightened by some of the more conceptual and design-oriented research in information systems. We highlight three areas in particular in which design science research in SI has excelled that could inform research in strategic management. The first area concerns the identification, formalization, and visualization of the core constructs and models of interest related to the design and analysis of strategic business issues. The second area corresponds to the exploration of how design thinking techniques and tools might contribute to improving the design, prototyping, testing and transformation of alternatives to strategic business questions. The third area addresses the research in computer-aided design assisting the process of designing strategic management objects. The three perspectives will be illustrated by our work and experience in the field of business models.