Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Business Model Design

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

The objectives of this MScIS course are threefold. The first objective is to be able to accurately describe changes in industry structures and situations of business model innovation in general. The second objective is to master the design of business models and value propositions using a design-thinking attitude and adopting the “Managing as designing” paradigm. The third objective is to explain why and how information systems research can complement its traditional focus on decision making, organizational design, and performance analysis with an additional new focus on the design, selection, and simulation of business models and similar strategic notions (more)

syllabus (Moodle)

business toolsmith at BIF

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

Video of Alex’s talk at BIF2015, entitled “What We Shape We Can Change” (BIF)

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Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

An honor to be shortlisted with Alex for the Thinkers50 Strategy Award! Thanks to all Alex’s supporters for their help getting Alex (and me) into this shortlist.

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Thursday, September 3rd, 2015

Animation BMGEN/VPDesign avec Alex au Forum économique romand. Cette dixième édition répondra notamment aux questions suivantes: Comment se réinventer pour continuer à progresser ? Mon modèle d’affaires mériterait-il coup de « boost » ou dois-je totalement revoir ma manière de faire ? Que puis-je apprendre des intervenants, tous confrontés à la réalité de l’entrepreneuriat ? (web)

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invités par Daniel Herrera et Cédric Borboën, fondateur, avec des intervenants dynamiques


et Mix & Remix


BMGEN pour Eco Energie

Monday, August 31st, 2015

Petit atelier pour Eco Energie Etoy une coopérative agricole qui a produit du biodiesel pendant plusieurs années et installe maintenant du solaire photovoltaïque sur les toits des coopérateurs. Eco Energy réfléchit depuis quelques temps à de futurs modèles d’affaires alternatifs.

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On the Thinkers 50′s radar

Thursday, August 27th, 2015

Talent spotting by Thinkers 50 …


“Osterwalder and Pigneur are the authors of Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want (2014) and Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Gamechangers and Challengers (self-published, 2010). Business Model Generation is based on a tool called the Business Model Canvas. The book’s contents were co-created by 470 Business Model Canvas practitioners from 45 countries, and features a highly visual, four-colour design that explains a range of strategic ideas and tools (web)

Boosting creativity with visual tools

Wednesday, July 15th, 2015

Workshop at Singapore on “Boost your creativity with the visual & empathy tools”, organised by Shin Yamamoto


“Based on the effective tools such as Mind Mapping, LEGO® SERIOUSPlay®, Phycological healing and so on. The Japanese talents will show you how to boots your creativity in a short period of time (more)

Bye bye Montreal

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

Jolie visite, trop courte, à Montréal. Accueil toujours aussi chaleureux par HEC Montréal. Rencontres avec les amis montréalais. Nombreux séminaires, conférences et ateliers BMGEN/VPDesign.


Chief Entrepreneur

Friday, June 26th, 2015

Blog post by Alex entitled “The C-Suite Needs a Chief Entrepreneur” in the HBR blog, that we have discussed together many times


“You could call this person the Chief Entrepreneur (CE) — someone who can lead the future of the company while the CEO takes cares of running the existing business. This is a huge divergence from the traditional norm for chief roles, but the CE is a necessary position of power to ensure that a company innovates.


Entrepreneuriat social

Friday, June 26th, 2015

Dans le cadre d’un Creative Morning, dans un parc montréalais, conférence de Michel Venne, directeur général et fondateur de l’ “Institut du Nouveau Monde” (web), dont la mission est d’accroître la participation des citoyens à la vie démocratique, invité par FandCo (web)
