Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
BMGEN à l’Université de Lausanne
Friday, June 12th, 2015BMGEN dans le rapport d’activité 2014 (web) de l’Université de Lausanne: “Une boîte à outils pour les entrepreneurs”
VPDesign with Michael Skok
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015Creating Strong Value Props and Successful Business Models, with Alex and Michael Skok, a serial entrepreneur, investor and blogger, at MIT Cambridge (more)
VPDesign at UBC SEI
Monday, May 18th, 2015Talk on May 20th at UBC Centre for Social Innovation & Impact Investing (S3I) at the Sauder School of Business, together with Interface Health society (web), organised by Angèle Beausoleil and d-studio (web)
In this talk with hands-on exercises Yves Pigneur will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will learn the latest on how to design and test business models and value propositions with illustration in social business. He will, in particular, get participants to apply the concepts and tools from his new book with Alex, “Value Proposition Design”.
Short discussion with entrepreneurs, Max and Arnaud, founders of Wize Monkey (web), and Laurence Buchan, founder of Arbutus Medical (web), which designs and delivers low cost surgical equipment,such as the “Drill Cover”. See this 2-min video here
BMGEN devient mainstream ?
Friday, May 15th, 2015Une idée lausannoise a connu un succès mondial
“Alex Osterwalder et Yves Pigneur, ont la cote auprès des entreprises suisses. Leur idée avait d’abord connu un succès mondial avant de percer en Suisse. (more)
back to Vancouver
Wednesday, May 13th, 201530ème anniversaire du DPIO et MscIS
Sunday, May 10th, 2015Soirée très réussie pour célébrer les 30 ans du DPIO, notre master en systèmes d’information, avec une présentation de TED par Bruno Giussani, European Director, et des témoignages d’anciens étudiants du DPIO:
Fabio Ronga et Yves Steinhauser, fondateur et CEO de Beqom
Claude Philipona & Luc Maurer, Fondateurs & CEO de CampToCamp
Alex Osterwalder, fondateur et CEO de Strategyzer
Didier Schwarz, fondateur et CEO de Wicard
Véronique Athané, COO de MPS Micro Precision Systems
Taha Ben Mrad, fondateur et PDG de Simalaya
Francois Briod, fondateur CEO Tawipay
Christian Wanner, fondateur et ex-CEO de LeShop
“En 1984, HEC Lausanne lance une nouvelle formation, le Diplôme Postgrade en Informatique et Organisation (DPIO). Aujourd’hui, ordinateurs, smartphones et tablettes sont au coeur des entreprises, transformant ainsi l’informatique en moteur de l’innovation et de l’entrepreneuriat. (30ans).
Bye bye Tokyo
Monday, April 27th, 2015A marvellous visit in Tokyo, with warm welcome by 山本 伸 Shin Yamamoto, Noboru 紺野登 Konno, 堀井 秀之 Hideyuki Horii, 瓜田 忍 Shinobu Urita and all the friends …
Several meetings, keynotes and workshops at the University of Tokyo, for entrepreneurs, Business Model Innovation Association, Japan Innovation Network, large corporations (Nec, Panasonic and Sony), and the launch event of the Japanese translation of VPDesign, organised by the publisher Shoesha.
But also visits at Nikko, Naoshima (splendid museums designed by Tado Ando), Tehsima (gorgeous building/sculpture by the Saana bureau; I understand better the inspiration of the Rolex Learning Center at Lausanne) and Hiroshima this year.
Bye bye Sydney
Friday, April 3rd, 2015A great visit in Australia: Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Hamilton. Nice lectures, fruitful meetings and so kind people. We will come back. Long last day before flying to Tokyo: video shooting, workshop for an electricity company, lunch with Emmanuel Josserand, skype with Tokyo, webinar for Singapore Ideas (?) …
BM Innovation workshop
Wednesday, March 25th, 2015Workshop “Business Model Innovation – Collaborations in Research and Practice” at UTS Design Innovation Research Center, head Prof. Sam Bucolo
“Business Model Innovation has gained wide spread interest and attention from both academia and industry alike. [...] This workshop aims to explore the connections between research activities in Business, FEIT and Design Innovation at UTS and identify research opportunities within a global context. The workshop will be framed around a conversation by Dr Yves Pigneur Co-inventor of the Business Model Canvas and Professor at the University of Lausanne who will present his views on research opportunities in this emerging field of study. Following this presentation, research groups across UTS will be given the opportunity to present their work and directions.