Lego Serious Play

Seminar on LEGO Serious Play given by Eli De Friend (ça presse) at EPFL, invited by Prof. Alain Wegmann and Gil Regev.

The Lego Serious Play methodology is based on the knowledge that play is intimately connected with learning. 80% of our brain cells are connected to our hands, which makes the involvement of our hands in the thinking process a powerful tool for playing with ideas, seriously! LEGO building materials offer a flexible 3-dimensional building system, a language that anyone can use to express the depth and possibilities of their ideas. This methodology unlocks the potential of individuals and unleashes their creativity, which can be channelled towards supporting the development of creative design skills, as well as for team-building, strategy development, fast-prototyping. (more on Eli’s web site or on LSP web site)

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