Archive for the ‘talks’ Category

BMGEN/VPDesign à Québec

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

Comment concevoir un business model et sa proposition de valeur ? organisé par la Banque Nationale à Québec


Les objectifs de cet exposé sont de (a) découvrir le Business Model Canvas et le Value Proposition Canvas, des outils visuels pour décrire des modèles d’affaires et leurs propositions de valeur, (b) mieux comprendre certains exemples marquants d’innovation par les modèles d’affaires, et (c) évoquer certaines approches de “design thinking” et “lean startup” appliquées à la conception de business models.

Dans un hangar à hélicoptères …

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BMGEN/VPDesign masterclass at London

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

A two-day public masterclass at London with Alex, presenting the newest concepts and the freshest thinking, and with the nice sketches by Holger Nils Pohl (web)

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After this workshop you will have:

  • Learned about and applied a practical visual language and innovation process to describe, challenge, and design strategy and business models.
  • Appreciated powerful examples of business model innovation, ranging from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups and social entrepreneurship ventures.
  • Explored and prototyped business models using design thinking, customer development, and lean start-up methods to boost future growth

BMGEN à HEC formation continue

Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

Construire un modèle d’affaires innovant ?

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Si vous pensez que la transformation digitale va changer l’art du possible, soyez sûrs que votre entreprise n’oublie pas de renouveler son modèle d’affaires.

Des modèles d’affaires ou business models disruptifs transforment le paysage concurrentiel de nombreux secteurs. Comment se positionner dans ce paysage ? Comment convertir ses idées en propositions de valeur innovantes et en nouveaux modèles d’affaires performants ? Comment maitriser des outils et techniques efficaces, simples et éprouvés pour concevoir, tester et transformer ces modèles d’affaires?

Cette maîtrise suppose notamment l’adoption d’un langage commun pour représenter les différentes composantes d’un modèle d’affaires. De plus, il faut garder à l’esprit que la conception d’un modèle d’affaires est rarement linéaire mais nécessite davantage l’attitude créatrice d’un architecte ou d’un designer que celle d’un manager ou d’un décideur rationnel. Souvent en management, on pense que la première idée est la bonne et on se donne peu les moyens d’explorer différents prototypes de la solution future. Enfin, quand on sait que nombreux sont les modèles d’affaires qui échouent parce qu’ils proposent des produits et services dont personne ne veut, on ne peut qu’être sensible à la suggestion de tester avec de vrais clients les hypothèses sur lesquelles est construit un modèle d’affaires, ceci avant de lancer son exécution.

Les objectifs pédagogiques de la journée sont donc les suivants

(a) découvrir le Business Model Canvas et le Value Proposition Canvas, des outils visuels pour décrire, esquisser et remettre en question des modèles d’affaires, (b) mieux comprendre des exemples marquants d’innovation par les business models, et (c) évoquer certaines approches de “design thinking” appliquées à la conception, l’expérimentation et la rénovation de business models.


BMGEN at Todai

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Seminar at the University of Tokyo (TODAI), invited by Prof. Hideyuki Horii, head of the iSchool (web)

The iSchool organises each summer the UTokyo Innovation Summer Program (TISP2016). During the 2-week program, students studying in Universities outside Japan and students in UTokyo, will engage in classes, workshops and fieldwork in Tokyo followed by a program to a local region of Japan.

This keynote will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will learn the latest on how to design and test business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation. Design thinking and customer development will also be emphasised for exploring, prototyping and experimenting value propositions and business models. Ground rules and pitfalls in the usage of the Business Model Canvas in large corporations will be illustrated.

BMGEN/VPDesign for JIN

Friday, April 15th, 2016

workshops for Japan Innovation Network (web) at Tokyo, organized by Prof. Konno, president, and Hiro Nishiguchi, executive director


Business Model & Value Proposition Design 〜独自のビジネスモデルと顧客価値を創造する方法〜
原著者Yves Pigneur(イヴ・ピニュール)氏から直接学べる貴重なチャンス!

Other private workshops for Japanese companies

VPdesign at Seoul

Tuesday, April 12th, 2016

Keynote at MicImpact 마이크임팩트 (web), Seoul, invited by Mike and Lee; happy to come back after 3 years!


This keynote will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will learn the latest on how to design and test business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation. Design thinking and customer development will also be emphasised for exploring, prototyping and experimenting value propositions and business models. Ground rules and pitfalls in the usage of the Business Model Canvas in large corporations will be illustrated.

Visit at Keio

Monday, April 11th, 2016

Visit at Keio Media Design (KMD), at Yokohama, invited by the dean Prof. Masa Inakage (web)


“The Graduate School of Media Design (KMD) was established to train talented individuals to work on the global stage building and running new industries for the coming “creative society,” a world in which the driving force of the economy will be creativity rather than productivity or efficiency …” (more)


BMGEN/VPDesign at Kyoto

Friday, April 8th, 2016

Keynote at Kyoto University , in the Tanaka Lab (web), invited by Prof. Katsumi Tanaka


“The Department of Social Informatics (web) seeks to clarify the structures of our highly complicated information society to actually build information systems using its techniques in the areas of global computer networks and large-scale databases, taking also into consideration the fact that autonomous decentralized information networks are becoming ubiquitous in our daily activities … (more)

This interactive talk with hands-on exercises aims at introducing the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Particiants will learn the latest on how to design and test business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation. Participants will apply the concepts, canvases and tools to design sustainable business models and innovative value propositions. Design thinking and customer development will also be emphasised for exploring, prototyping and experimenting value propositions and business models.

Interesting research seminar and nice presentation of a research paper that will be presented at WWW’2016 Montreal, entitled “Detecting evolution of concepts based on cause-effect relationships in online review”, by Yating Zhang, Adam Jatowt and Katsumi Tanaka.


Thursday, April 7th, 2016

workshop for the Business Model Innovation Association in Japan (BMIA), launched by Shin Yamamoto and his colleagues

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In the mini-workshop, I will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will learn the latest on how to design and test business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation.

BMGEN/VPDesign at Tama U

Tuesday, April 5th, 2016

Keynote at Tama University, organised by Dr Noboru Konno (JIN) and Dr Ryuta Kono, at Kokuyo Hall in Shinagawa

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This keynote will introduce the latest Business Model Innovation and Lean Startup tools. Participants will learn the latest on how to design and test business models and value propositions to decrease the risks of innovation. Design thinking and customer development will also be emphasised for exploring, prototyping and experimenting value propositions and business models. Ground rules and pitfalls in the usage of the Business Model Canvas in large corporations will be illustrated.