Archive for the ‘talks’ Category

Why Mobile Payments Fail? An Analysis of the Swiss Case

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

with Jan Ondrus (blog)

MobileMonday Switzerland
Mobile payments and banking
EPFL > October 6th, 2008 17:30-19:00

Listen, learn and talk :

Mobile payments and banking is already a mass-market phenomenon in Japan and Korea. When will mobile operators deploy mobile payment and banking to other markets?

How do you manage mobile money? You need a value chain of merchants and payers. You need secure transactions. You need universal usability.Many in the industry are still skeptical of mobile money’s promise. They want scale, simplicity and ways to measure success – all of which are underdeveloped right now in mobile platforms.

What are the main approaches to success? NFC application to transportation, micro-payment and money transfers, full mobile banking?


Mobile computing & business modelling

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

Vienna University of Technology
January 2008

Today’s business environment is characterized by rapid technological change that makes disruptive innovations and new business models possible. However, little analytical tools help in identifying disruptive business models. Identifying how insurgents disrupt established markets is a major challenge.

In this seminar, we study techniques for evaluating the disruptive potential of innovative business models. We illustrate these techniques with the case study of Shockfish.

Our analysis is composed of three parts.


Service design for business innovation

Monday, November 26th, 2007

Spiral Luxembourg, November 2007

[from Spiral web site]

This talk “presented a rigorous conceptual framework for defining and designing a business model, its value proposition and the associated services. [It] described an analytical instrument for evaluating the value proposition in its environment and detecting its potential disruptiveness”.

[slideshare id=529018&doc=luxnov07tc-1217079066766029-8&w=300]

Designing business models and evaluating disruptive innovations.

Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

SIKS day 2007
The Netherlands

Today’s business environment is characterized by rapid technological changes that makes disruptive innovations and new business models possible. A ’managing as designing’ approach is suggested for defining and evaluating business models. There are three reasons why researchers attending the SIKS day could be interested in this course:

  1. It gives a short overview of a scenario-based approach for assessing a technological (ambient intelligence) environment;
  2. It presents a rigorous conceptual framework for defining and designing a business model. It shows how this framework can be applied to design a concrete case study;
  3. It describes an analytical instrument for evaluating a business model in its environment and detecting its potential disruptiveness.

Scenario planning, business model and disruptive technology

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

Anzère, Switzerland – February 2007

Identifying how insurgents disrupt established markets is a major challenge. In this tutorial, we study techniques for evaluating the disruptive potential of innovative business models. We illustrate these techniques with the case study of Shockfish.

Our analysis is composed of three parts.


Business/IT alignment engineering

Friday, October 6th, 2006

University of Geneva (Matis)
with Dr. Eric Dubois (CRPHT Luxembourg) and Dr. Michael Petit (Uni. Namur)

This workshop will deal with the business/IT alignment, its “strategic fit” between the strategic aspects and the organizational or process view, and its “function integration” between the business and the technology sides. The workshop is based on the assumption that an explicit business model and strategy map should help to align the business strategy, the organization structure and business processes, and the IS applications and IT infrastructure.

The workshop is structured according three main concepts, and mappings. The ’business model’ and “strategy map” provide a declarative view of the business in terms of financial aspects, value proposition for customers, and value configurations. The “application requirements” correspond to the user needs and specifications for designing and implementing applications. The ’business processes’ provide a more operational view on the how the business model is implemented in terms of transactions, actors in charge of the execution of these processes, and information flows between these processes. The workshop will also investigate the transformation and mappings between business model, application requirements, and business processes, according to different options related to the type of market, the trust existing between stakeholders, and the associated risk analysis, etc.

[slideshare id=529023&doc=gva10introduction-1217080007502788-9&w=300]