Posts Tagged ‘requirement engineering’

Requirements for coopetition project

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

(2008 – 2011)

Information Technology (IT) departments are under pressure to deliver business value to their organization. There is a need for RE methods that enable engineers to align IT system requirements with the business value expected by the organization. This is becoming ever more complicated with the emergence of complicated business models where the barriers between competitors, suppliers and customers are torn down through the use of IT systems and globalization. Ever more stringent regulations in all types markets are also changing the value proposition expected by companies and public sector organizations. Business-oriented RE methods have only emerged in recent years and much work remains to be done. This proposal seeks to research methods for modeling and simulating these new business models, analyze the value that IT systems can provide and define requirements for these IT systems. The modeling and analysis are based on the inclusion of game theory and system dynamics models within existing business oriented RE methods.

Doctoral thesis
Riccardo Bonnazi, Designing a compliance support system

Research grants
Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant number xxx.
Prime contractor is EPFL – LAMS lab (Prof. Alain Wegmann)

Business/IT alignment engineering

Friday, October 6th, 2006

University of Geneva (Matis)
with Dr. Eric Dubois (CRPHT Luxembourg) and Dr. Michael Petit (Uni. Namur)

This workshop will deal with the business/IT alignment, its “strategic fit” between the strategic aspects and the organizational or process view, and its “function integration” between the business and the technology sides. The workshop is based on the assumption that an explicit business model and strategy map should help to align the business strategy, the organization structure and business processes, and the IS applications and IT infrastructure.

The workshop is structured according three main concepts, and mappings. The ’business model’ and “strategy map” provide a declarative view of the business in terms of financial aspects, value proposition for customers, and value configurations. The “application requirements” correspond to the user needs and specifications for designing and implementing applications. The ’business processes’ provide a more operational view on the how the business model is implemented in terms of transactions, actors in charge of the execution of these processes, and information flows between these processes. The workshop will also investigate the transformation and mappings between business model, application requirements, and business processes, according to different options related to the type of market, the trust existing between stakeholders, and the associated risk analysis, etc.

[slideshare id=529023&doc=gva10introduction-1217080007502788-9&w=300]